This diagram illustrates how sugar is produced from sugar canes which consists of 4 phases including farming, crushing, separating and drying. Generally there are 7 steps involved in order to produce large amount of fine
The diagram clearly demonstrates the process by which sugar is made from sugar cane. Overall, it is evident that the process contains 7 stages, three of which take place in a farmland and others in a manufacture.
The given figure describes the steps involved in the production of sugar from sugarcane. The process involves several steps, including harvesting, crushing, syruping, centrifugation, and finally drying and cooling.
The pictogram here illustrates how sugar is made from sugar cane through 7 steps, those are growing, harvesting, crushing, purifying, evaporation, centrifugal, drying and cooling. Overall, the whole process can be devide
The flow chart shows a pictorial process of manufacturing sugar from the sugar cane plant. This short essay will explain the seven long steps involved.
The provided illustration describes the stages involved in the production of sugar from sugar cane. The process involves several steps, such as harvesting, crushing, syrup-making, centrifuging, and ultimately, drying and
The chart illustrates the process of how sugar is made from sugar cane. Overall, it is obvious that there are totally 7 steps that can be categorized into 3 stages: material preparation, processing and drying.