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The diagram illustrates how aluminium cans are recycled. which contributes to environmental protection. It can be seen that the aluminium cans in the UK sold are recycled. There are a total 7 stages in the diagram, from
The diagram illustrates about the man-made method of treating a large number of materials of aluminum that have already been used so that it can recycle used again.
The given visual representation outlines the process of recycling aluminum cans in the UK.
The diagram illustrates how aluminium cans are recycled. First, the cans need to be taken to special collection centres instead of being thrown away with the normal refuse. The cans are collected from here and taken to a
The diagram below describes the steps taken in the recycling process of Aluminium cans; a process which seems to be of a vital importance in the UK in which 74% of the Aluminium cans that are sold are recycled.
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