The given process illustrates a Marine animal lifespan named the salmon and how the cycle is repeated from an egg to an adult during 3 distinct stages.
The diagrams illustrate the reproduction procedure of large fish called the salmon. Overall, it can be seen from the diagrams about the processes from the salmon egg until it becomes the adult salmon.
The diagrams illustrate how the salmon, a large fish species, evolves during its life cycle. Overall, a salmon's life cycle consists of three main durations, beginning with laying the salmon eggs in slow-moving parts of
The diagrams illustrate how salmons develop from eggs to fully grown adults. Overall, the cycle includes three main stages, starting with laying eggs and lasting approximately 10 years.
The diagram shows the cycle life of the salmon fish. This process of life pass the several eggs lay in pure water into the spawning adult fish ,which remain these aquanic species again.
the diagrams give us information about the life cycle of a species of big size fish that called salmon , overall it can be seen that they go though in 3 stages in their whole of their life
The diagrams show the life cycle of a species of large fish called the salmon that lives in the sea. Before, they are born and grow, their salmon eggs are deposited on the river for about 5-6 months. There are also reeds
The pictures above display the cycle of a large fish named the salmon in 3 different stages. Overall, the process begins with small fish and finishes with adult salmon.
The given illustration provides information about the life circuit of a big fish known as salmon. Overall, this process consists of three stages, beginning with the eggs of salmon under reeds and ending up with swimming