IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Lately, the governing bodies are inclined to invest largely in science and research subjects in schools rather than following the standard norm. Some people agree with this approach as they feel this change will bring ou
Using genetically modified food products can have many benefits. However, there are many people who think that this can have many problems. I, strongly, believe that this statement is true because this can harm non-G
Science plays a role in the growth and improvement of a nation. However, other courses are also essential for the economic improvement of a country. Therefore, I believe that the government should allot equal funds for t
Science plays a role in the growth and progress of a nation. However, other studies are also essential for the economic advancement of a country. Therefore, I believe that the government should allot equal funds for the
It is a certainly true that. Technology briskly increases day by day. Furthermore, people can get many types of knowledge about their study. Moreover it is very essential for everyone. Because,in the modern technology we
The state should allow more budget for Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Engineering, medical than other traditional subjects like Language, History, Law etc. to improve the nation. This essay totally agrees with this statement
It is forecasted that a nation will make more progress if the state authorities allocate a vast amount of their budget on the technical subjects instead of others. I partially agree with the statement as an allotment in
It is undeniable that education is the most powerful weapon to change the world. Investing money on science subject by the government is thought by many is far more crucial than spending on other fields of studies. Alth
it is said that the state should allocate more budget in providing students with scientific subjects rather than other subjects in terms of national development and progress . In my opinion, I strongly agree that more mo
There is a strong argument among a large proportion of people that governments ought to allocate more of its annual budget for teaching science than different areas for developing a nation's economy. In my opinion, I am
There is a heated argument for saying that science should be a priority in national education to promote country evolution. However, this essay disapproves of this conviction, and opine that different methods are also hi
Some people think that governments should allowcate more money in science study rather than other subjects which can help the development of a country. I disagree with this notion. In this essay, I will consider both s
Science is the most important subject at the academic level, some people believe that the government should direct more budget to science than any other field. Personally, I fundamentally agree with their belief because
It is often argued by some that revenue spent on teaching science subject at educational institutions has greater impacts as opposed to other subjects. Although many might disagree with this statement,I completely agree
Many people believe that instead of spending money on teaching other subjects, the government should invest more in imparting science for country's development. I totally agree with the opinion because of the immense val
It is argued that more money should be allocated on science subjects as a great opportunity for the nation to keep improving. From my point of view, this notion is partly correct.
funding for education which play a key role in the growth of a nation is a major topic of concern in modern society. people have different views about whether the government should subsidize science subjects than others
The advancement of science and its application in a wide range of areas, has improved the lives of humans around the whole world. It is essential that government authorities should devote additional fundings to teach sci
In this day and age, education plays an indispensable role in contributing to the prosperity and growth of a particular nation. Numerous countries and governments are paying more attention to the cultivation of talents.
Nowadays, government and educational developers have been working hard to determine the best budget allocation mix science and other subjects. Although an increase in scientific progress can have many benefits to nationa
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