IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The provided line chat illustrates how many enquires received by the Tourist Information Office in a town by three kind of enquires (in person, by telephone, by letter/email) over a six-month period in 2011.
This report is aimed to discuss and compare the data that can be obtained from the graph. The graph itself gives us an idea about the 3 different types of communication and the amount of people communicationg through the
The line graph reveals the enquiry number made by tourists at the Tourist Information in one city from January to June 2011.
The graph provides information of the enquiries made by the customer to the Tourist Information office over the span of six month in the year 2011. Overall, there are three types of enquiries and the most of that is used
This graph illustrates that how many enquiries the Tourist Information Office received in three ways in a specific area from January to June in 2011. The query can be sent in person, by letter/email, and by telephone.
The chart illustrates how many surveys were collected domestically across 3 specific methods in a particular metropolis during the first half of 2011. Overall, the number of questionnaires received via letter/email dropp
The presented figure compares three different inquiries received by the Tourist Information Organization in one city over a first semester period in 2011.
The graph below displays the amount of inqueries recieved by the Tourist Information Office in a particular city, which spans over six months in 2011.
This line chart illustrates the number of enquiries received over by the tourist information office for three two-month span in 2011. It is clear from the graph that number of tourists who received in person, the most ra
The chart illustrates the quantities of questions the customers send to the Tourist Information Office in one city from January to June 2011. There are 3 different ways that they use to send their requirement.
The given line graph illustrates the amount of questionnaire which was provided to travel center in 3 different ways in one area for 6 months in 2011. In brief, the number of questions in person and by telephone graduall
The line chart illustrates an evaluation of a survey about the number of questions that were received by a tourist information company in a region from January to June 2011. The data is categorised by three different way
The provided line chart displays the number of enquires got by the Tourist Information Officer in one particular city for about six months in the year 2011.
The line chart illustrates how many of the enquiries were received in one city over six-month period by Tourist Information Office in 2011. Overall, the enquiries that were received in person and by telephone climbed sig
This line graph shows us a study about inquiries received by the tourist information office in one city. Data is given by type of inquiries: in person, by letter or by mail or again by telephone. This study was realised
The line graph illustrates how many tourists made inquiries in the Tourist Information Office in a specific city from January to June 2011. Overall, there are three methods visitors can use to make queries, either in per
The line graph illustrated the total number of queries by phone, email, and in person received in a Tourist Information office located in one city during the first half of the year 2011.
The graph illustrates that the amount of enquiries recieved by the tourist in 2011 through 3 different medium (in person, by letter/email and by telephone) in a period of six months.
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