The given line graph illustrates the percentage of citizens aged 65 and over in 100 years from 1940 to 2040 in the USA, Sweden, and Japan. Units are measured in percentage.
The given line graph has provided information pertaining to the prediction of the percentage of people who are 65 years old or older in three countries between 1940 and 2040.
The graph illustrates the change in proportion of population aged 65 years and above, specific in USA, Sweden, and Japan, from 1940 to 2024 along with a projection in 2040. In general, all of the country experienced an u
The information which has been provided by this graph illustrates the percentage of the elderly population aged 65 and over duration a century from 1940 to 2040 in Japan, Sweden, and USA.
the graph describes the amount of the population in the age of 65 and over. The comparison from the past 1940 and predicted in 2040 by three differents nation from all around the world.
The given line graph illustrates the information about proportion of people aged 65 and over in 3 different country Japan, Sweden and USA in the period of 100 years between 1940 and 2040.
The following graph illutrates the propotion of population aged 65 between the year 1940 to 2040. This is summarised between three different countries over six decades.
The line graph illustrates, the percentages of communitys over 65 and above age in three different countiries( USA, SWEDEN, JAPAN) in the year of 1940 to 2040. Overall, it is conspicious that all the countries follow a
The proffered line chart provides information about the percentage of the population aged 65 and over in three major countries namely Japan, Sweden, and the USA from 1940 to 2023 and the projection until 2040. Overall, i
The graph shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries. They are the USA, Japan and Sweden.