IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The primary goal of science should be to improve people’s live. I believe, to date, science has benefited humanity through various advancements, including medical advancement and technological innovations.
Some argue that science should take improving individual's life standards as its most significant aim. I strongly support that idea too because human is the most meaningful and crucial living beings on our planet and i
Science plays an important role in solving environmental problems and improving the quality of people's lives. I totally agree with the statement that the primary aim of science should be to improve the activity of human
In recent years, environmental issues have become a major concern for governments and citizens worldwide. While some argue that these problems should be addressed globally, others believe that national efforts are more e
Science’s role in the community has been always a topic of debate. It has been suggested that the most crucial goal of science is to improve the quality of life. I completely agree with this suggestion, but some consider
Undeniably, with the development of science and technology, our planet is being polluted by the green house gas or chemicals released by human beings, and such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion t
These days , science has become a crucial segment of our lives . Some people assume that the core objective of technology should be to better the individual's lives, while some people argue against it . I totally agree
These days , science has become a crucial segment of our lives . Some people assume that the core objective of technology should be to better the individual's lives . I totally agree with this idea and In this essay ,
These days , science has become a crucial segment of our lives. Some people assume that the core objective of science should be to better the human's lives . I totally agree with this idea and in this essay I will suppor
Throughout the past few decades, science and its related aspects have been developing continuously, producing more benefits for the human race than ever before. I strongly agree that the outcome delivered by each researc
Nowadays, science is promoted to a very high stage and some people think that the most esstential mean of science aim to is should be to develop human's lives.
It is claimed that the most significant aim of scientific researches ought to better people's healths. In my opinion, I agree with this proposal since science can increase human’s longevity and improve the environment.
Healthcare is one of the most important topic that everyone always pay attention, especially some scientists use their knowledge to create medicine or some solutions for people lives. Some people think that the most esse
the extreme important point of science that should change people lives of all good have their reasons to do all those descover.
There is no denying the fact that science has been always a crucial part of enhancing humans' lives. While it is a commonly held belief that the most critical goal of science should be improving people's lives, there is
As the science technology is developed fast in these days, people needs to consider 'What is the most critical purpose of science technology?'. Without understanding and thinking seriously about this problem, scientists
The most significant goal of science must be to have an impact on citizens' lives. I agree with this statement fully.
One of the most prevalent trends in the contemporary world is the cumulative increase in science and technology. Many people believe that science must make humans live better so they can enjoy healthy lifestyles. It is c
Nowadays, scientific developments are occurring at a great rate but some of them seem not to be helpful for population's lives. Additionally, sometimes scientific innovations are harmful and regretted by those who invent
It is said that the most significant purpose of science should be to enhance people's quality of life. I strongly agree with this opinion because of people's challenges and their effects on their well being.
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