IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In contemporary society, people are inclined to be more interested in ensuring safety when participating in traffic. And some believe that giving stricter punishment is the only way to improve safety on our roads. I part
Given the increasing rates of deaths caused by traffic accidents, many people believe that only by implementing stricter traffic laws can the safety of our roads be improved. However, in this essay, I will challenge this
In this day and age, more and more people believe that it is essential for the government to use stricter penalties in order to reduce the large number of accidents and protect the safety of drivers. From my perspective,
It is sometimes argued that the only method to ensure road safety is strictly punishing reckless drivers. While there might be some reasons to support that idea, I strongly believe that other more effective ways should b
Road safety is a more essential and concerning matter. Therefore, a substantial proportion of individuals think that the only way to enhance welfare is to make inflexible rules and regulations because carelessness while
In our modern era,the roads we ply everyday has become very risky because of the road traffic accidents drivers and pedestrian are faced with on a daily basis. This essay will elaborate more on the preamble that is ,gove
Road safety has become a pipe dream for most individuals living on Earth. Every day a significant number of people become victims of accidents thus making it a global concern. Although a plethora of steps have been taken
Road safety has become a pipe dream for most individuals living on Earth. Every day a significant number of people become victims of accidents thus making it a global concern. Although a plethora of steps has been taken
Road safety has become a pipe dream for most individuals living on Earth. Everyday a significant number of people become victims of accidents thus making it a global concern. Although a plethora of steps have been taken
Road safety is a very important and concerning matter. Carelessness while driving can lead to severe accidents. Therefore, the only way to improve the safety of our roads is to give much stricter punishments for driving
Road safety is a very important and concerning matter. Carelessness while driving can lead to severe accidents. Therefore, the only way to improve the safety of our roads is to give much stricter punishments on driving o
Traffic safety measures have long been on the government’s agenda worldwide. Some people argue that to make road travel safer, government has to punish drivers more harshly if they break the traffic law. I agree with the
It is argued that the government should introduce harsh punishments for rule-breakers in order to boost safety on the roads. In my opinion, higher authorities should plan a proper method in which they aware of the publi
People have different views on methods to enhance road safety.It is true that penalizing the breaches of traffic laws is a constructive measure, but I strongly disagree that this is the only way to increase protection on
Born and bred in China, I have a keen interest in the culture, history, and economy of this land. Therefore, I choose to study cultural industry and aspire to become an outstanding professor and researcher of cultural in
Accidents on roads are one of the main causes of many injuries around the world. In order to enhance the road safety level, some people believe that people who commit on roads should be punished with more serious measure
It is certainly true that a large number pf people loss their life on road accidents. Therefore ,it is a suggestion that imposing a severe punishment can reduce the mishaps on road. However, i compeletly disgree becaus
Road safety is of paramount importance to all the public, regardless whether its urban or suburban. Some people are suggesting that the only way to develop road security is by imposing strict punishments for people who b
The only way to improve safety of our roads is to give much stricter punishments on driving offenses. What extent do you agree or disagree?
People have different views with regard to the question of how to make our roads safer. It is argued that harsher punishments should be imposed to ensure traffic safety. I completely concur with this view, but to conside
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