IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a belief that in many countries a huge amount is spent on the renovation of old buildings, which is a sheer wastage, rather the same has to be used for the building of new living places and restoration of highwa
Each and every country has a several buildings which are older and represent the connection to the ancient lifestyle. As these are old construction, they require a time to time repairing, for which the power has to alloc
Every year government spends a significant amount of their budget into restoring ancient and historical monuments which are their identity and thus, needed to be protected. In contrary of that, many people suffer from ha
Following the increase of argument of spending on old structures, the issue has been getting debatable tactic among the world citizens. Some sets of people argue that using amounts of national budgets to repair and to ma
Someone who priorities to the practical value than potential value believes that the cost should be utilised for public resources that can use right away. Being aware of the conveniences of replacing the old building wit
Nowadays, cities all around the world are becoming older and older, since their forming in the past. This means that the government budget spends on the restoration of an old house is increasing Some people claim that t
Nowadays, cities all the around the world are becoming older and older, since their forming in the past. This means that the amount of buildings of older times is increasing, making a dent in the government's restoration
It is true that government spend a lot of budget on maintaining historical buildings. Some people think that protect old building is unnecessary, it's better to invest on new building and roads. In my opinion, I believe
In our modern society, many people argue that the large amount of funding spent on the repairing and maintenance of old buildings could be more efficiently utilized in other important public services, such as housing pro
Nowadays, the renovation of ancient and historical buildings costs the government a huge amount of money which can be used to build more houses and roads. While I think it is important to develop the cities, it is also i
Some people think that money that is spent on the preservation of old buildings in big cities all over the world should be used in developing new houses and roads. I completely disagree with this opinion and I believe th
Some people think that it is necessary to spend money on building new buildings instead of protecting old buildings. However, I do not think that the idea that people will be better if they demolish old buildings or buil
The cost of restoration of historical or old buildings is quietly high in major cities all around the world. It is believed that this money is may be a good financial support for new construction and roads. I completely
Many governments around the world are running plans to restore old buildings is their major cities. However, lots of people think that this money should be used to upgrade and create new infrastructure, like roads or n
Many governments around the world are running plans to restore old buildings is there Major cities. However, lots of people think that this money should be used to upgrade and create new infrastructure, like roads or n
It is irrefutable that in this fast growing world the government is focusing more on Innovation and infrastructure. A certain segment of the society believe that restoration of old buildings cost numerous government's ex
Preserving the primitive buildings in the prominent urban areas predisposed a plethora of money all over the globe. Some people argue that rather than spending money for this, it is better to spend money for infrastructu
It is true that governments are providing financial support for the continuous maintenance and restoration of historical buildings in famous cities. However, others believe that state budgets should be radically use for
It is common that major cities spend millions of dollars on the restoration of old buildings all over the world. Although, to some extent, I think that repairing old buildings is beneficial for improving the reputation o
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