IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The pie chart illustrates the number of travellers to Ashdown Museum during the year before and after renovation. The chart depicts the results of questions asking voyagers how much they enjoyed they were with their trav
A glance at the table provided reveals the percentages of research asking respondents how satisfied they were with their visit during the year before and the year after it was refurbished.
The given table shows the comparison between the numbers of people who visit the museum before and after its renewal. In addition, the pie charts illustrate the effects of the refurbishment on Visitor's opinions. It can
The tabe shows the poportion of people who had visited at Ashdown Museum between a year before and later. The data gives information about five types of visitor satisfaction.
The table and the two pie charts illustrate the numbers of visitors and the results of their satisfaction respectively before and after the refurbishment of the Ashadom Museum.
The given tables compares the satisfactory results from the survey done at the Ashdown museum before and after renovation. From the figures it can be predicted that a lot of good changes has occurred as a whooping figure
The table illustrates the amount of visitors who was visiting to Ashdown Museum during the year before and the year after, it was refurbished. The charts demonstrate the result of surveys asking from the visitors how sat
The table illustrates how many visitors visited the Ashdown Museum the year before and the following year it was refurbished. Also, the pie charts show the result of research asking visitors how they felt about their vi
The table illustrates the numbers of visitors to Ashdown Museum from the year before to the year after it was refurbished. The two charts compare the consequence of surveys asking guests how satisfied they were with thei
The table illustrates information about the number of visitors to Ashdown Museum throughout the whole year before and the year after it was improved. Also, charts show the results of questionnaires asking visitor’s opini
The chart gives information about the number of attendence in Ashdown Museum the year after and before having been refurbished, inasmuch as the pie chart illustrates the results of individuals' satisfaction in the vurvey
The table and chart compare the levels of satisfaction and the number of people who visited a museum before and after it was renovated. At first glance, we can see that both visitor numbers and levels of satisfaction in
The table compares the number of visitors who visited the Ashdown Museum before and after restoration, whereas the pie graph, the information from the survey done on visitors during the same two years, is depicted. Over
The pie charts illustrate the level of satisfaction among the visitors of Ashdown Museum before and after renovation during the same period, breaking down into five different results.
The two pie charts compare Ashdown Museum visitors' level of satisfaction that was collected pre and post-refurbishment of the museum. Sightseers were asked to choose a rating between very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisf
The given table chart illustrates the total number of people visiting to the Ashdown Museum in the year befor and after refurbishment, while the pie charts represents the results of surveys of visitors satisfaction betw
The table illustrates the number of visitors who visit both before and after Ashdown Museum is refurbished and the chart presents the proportion of visitor feelings during attendance the museum in both years.
The table provides data regarding the total number of people who came to Ashdown Museum. It also provided the pie charts which illustrate the survey's outcome of visitor satisfaction, during the two periods of refurbishm
The table and the pie chart compare the number tourists went to Ashdown Museum and the amount of their satisfaction before and after some renovations.
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