IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The worldwide has many municipalities and metropolises erected in next centuries that were more suitable and habitable for people in those times than they are now. While I think more suitable For people in those times t
Numerious towns and cities which were built number of centuries ago, served their purpose for people in those times, however, the expectations of contemporary society is such that they often face challenges in meeting th
In contemporary societies, despite the development of science and technology, there has been a belief that ancient structural towns in the past were more appropriate and vibrant for people to live in than modern building
Despite the modern era and the tendency to state-of-art cities, there are some traditional regions which vary from new ones. This varieties could cause numerous challenges for contemporary citizens and infrastructures. T
According the old people, constructed towns and cities were suitable and livable for many people. In my mind, they think that these buildings and structures are safer than currently accommodations. If I approximate, they
It has been pointed out that a huge number of towns and cities which were built roughly 200 years ago are not suitable to be habitation nowadays. Personally, I consider that living in old towns will detriment the protect
In the contemporary era, there are a myriad of issues people face due to the poor planning of cities as compared to the bygone era. It is believed that cities are not suitable to accommodate the population. There are m
Few people believe that the old buildings which were constructed in the old age period are prefect to living in this world. The main problem of current generation are causing often health issue and increase in cost of li
At the present days, an increasing number of individuals are moving from their places of residence to other areas, in comparison with the past. This essay will include possible reasons for it and discuss whether it is be
When compared with the current generation, the previous generation buildings are most comfortable as well as it was liveable for the last generation people. Because of the rise in population level and the residence size
When compared with the current generation, the previous generation's buildings are so comfortable and liveable for the public who stayed in the past centuries because the last generation has a less number of population
A vast number if cities and towns were constructed in ancient time . These were best places to live for people . However, these are not longer suitable nowadays. This is due to the fact that these towns and cities lack p
A vast number if cities and towns were constructed in ancient time. These were best places to live for people. However, these are not longer suitable nowadays. This is due to the fact that these towns and cities lack pub
Thanks to the worldwide modernize, many people have been allowed to live in comfortably compare to the past centuries. However, the globe still exist with many urbans made in past centuries that were more relaxing for fo
Few 100 years ago, the numerous cities and urban areas were developed with the global-wide for the convenience of residents staying at there. However, those landscape features are more harmonious with people living in pa
It is true that there are numerous towns and cities around the world that were built in earlier ages and were habitable and more suitable for people back then than they are today. However, as societal and environmental f
Centuries ago, cities and urban areas were developed globally for the convenience of residents at that time. However, these landscapes are more harmonious with past lifestyles than with those of current residents. Old ci
It is generally accepted that the construction of cities and buildings over the past decades was more suitable for living than it is now. According to the individual's perspective, I argue that there are many problems wi
In ancient times, cities were cemented on societies' sustainability for living, in contrast to the towns and households constructed in the present time. This could potentially create cluster neighbourhoods and foster an
These days and age, there is a multitude of residential areas that were built many decades ago. These places are suitable just for individuals who lived in this period due to this appeared many problems now. In the follo
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