IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, the work life has altered so fast and the people can not depend on the today’s job. Sometimes, the employee can be suddenly changed by other individuals or even by artificial intellegent. The reasons of this ph
Nowadays , it can be found that there is a tremendous change in the way of doing jobs as compare to the past which preview that people prefer to get employee for more then one job. In this essay , I will discuss the r
These days, the way of work has changed rapidly as compared to the past period, and as a result, people tend to try in different jobs instead of staying in one occupation. Due to the globalisation and own business. Soft
The world of career is constantly evolving including the change of working environment and also the terms. As for the uncertainty, numerous people in this world no longer depend on one job in their lifetime. In this es
These days the trend of changing career is becoming common compared to previous times and most individuals do not carry one work for longtime. The reasons behind this situation are salary and the increased number of empl
There is growing sentiment today that the speed of world change is really fast and people often tend to try different jobs instead of still working in one occupation. From my point of view, I believe that the main cause
The phenomenon of young folks often changing their jobs has aroused wide concern among various circles. Divergent as people's views on this issue in question may be, I personally beileve that regularly change to a new wo
Presently, the current working conditions are changing in various ways because there are so many influences having an impact on their working conditions. Therefore, now, people cannot put their own life only depending on
Presently, the current working conditions are changing in various ways because there are so many influences having an impact on their working conditions. Therefore, now, people cannot put their own life only relying on t
Nowadays, there is a change in people’s work behaviour. A lot of people take more than one job in recent years than previous decades. In this essay, I intend to explore more reasons behind this notion and give some possi
Nowadays, the development of modern lifestyle has revolutionized the concept of profession among people as well as their dependency on a single career. Yet, there remains a controversial debate as to whether this alterat
Following globalisation, Woking ethics rapidly changed. Moreover, environment for work has shown drastic change as compared to the past.Also, the reliance of human race is not confined to single job but prefer more then
It is irrefutable that the work scenario is altering at a fast pace . People don't want to do the same job in their whole lives , job-hopping is a common factor nowadays . I shall put forth my argument to support my view
Nowadays, people do not stick to only one job all life long, as they keep changing now and then to find a more reliable job. This essay will discuss the leading causes of this phenomenon: the transformation of the hiring
It is irrefutable that the work scenario is altering at a fast pace. Working conditions are also different and the process of job-hopping is very common. This essay shall delve into the possible causes for these change
It is irrefutable that the work scenario is altering at a fast pace. Working conditions are also different and the process of job-hopping is very common. This essay shall delve into the possible causes for these change
Working conditions is changing fast nowadays, and people do not just stick on one job in their whole life. In this essay, I will consider the reason of this issue and give some solutions of how people to prepare their w
It is undeniable that the work environment has been changing at a fast pace. People often tend to alter their jobs and do not want to depend completely on one job. The main cause behind this is globalization and a possib
These days, many people do not rely on one job for a lifetime and are changing their job more rapidly than before. The main possible cause for this is due to globalization and a possible solution might be holding a degre
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