IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today’s society, the tourist industry is increasing tremendously. Moreover, in some countries, tourism brings in a large amount of money for its development. However, local residents complain that damage caused by tou
It is widely believed that the most considerable growing industry is tourism making a contribution to the global economy while some individuals argue that it is adversely impacting on culture and environment of the local
Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries and contributes a great deal to economies around the world. However, the damage tourism can cause to local cultures and the environment is often ignored. To what extent do
Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in tourism worldwide. However, although tours can stimulate local economies, they might have some drawbacks if not carefully planned. I will discuss this iss
Nowadays, tourism has become one of the most rapidly growing industries worldwide which has a huge impact on the government’s economy. However, tourist visits may affect the host countries negatively by influencing loc
It’s a common belief that tourism plays an important role in growing industries fast and developing the economy word-wide. Nevertheless, its culture and the environment can be affected due to the damage tourism. From my
It is a common trend for many countries to develop tourism because of its economic benefit. Many people claim that it could negatively affect to the local cultures and the ecosystem. I totally agree with the statement fo
In recent years, tourism is believed to be one of the most developing industries and contribute much to economies all over the world. However, its damage can affect to local features and environment is overlooked. Perso
Tourism is undeniably one of the world's fastest-growing industries, generating significant economic benefits for countries across the globe. However, it is vital to acknowledge that tourism can have detrimental effects
Currently, tourism is a field that improving rapidly and bringing huge amounts of income to every country's budget. While, according to the majority's thoughts, people should concern about its adverse impacts on the cult
These days, the tourist industry has been developing considerably, and this can help countries with economical development. By contrast, tourism can bring out some cultural and environmental issues which are ignored. I a
It is certainly true that, tourism generates huge sums of money and for many countries in the world it is the main resource for the government budget. The local economies all around the world are very dependent on the in
It is certainly true that, the tourism generates huge sums of money and for many countries in the world it is like the main resource for the government budget. The local economies all around the world are very dependent
Tourism can be good and harmful to the nation which accepts it. On one hand, tourism has a great number of benefits for the service industry. In fact, a country with few natural resources like Japan, is relying on touris
The industry of tourism is the fastest growing industry and improving economies all around the globe but at the same time, it has negative effects which can cause local cultures and the environment to be often ignored. I
Nowadays, tourism is being considered as a core sector as well as being taken advantage of to boost their economies. Nevertheless, this industry is believed to pose threats to native traditions and the ecosystem. In my p
Wonderful sceneries, stunning beaches, and vintage artists are some of the major contributors to the economic growth worldwide. There are those who hold the view that local cultures and environment are causing problems a
Tourism is one of the biggest parts of the countries' economy. Lots of people who earn money in this sector are trying to make more popular their countries about tourism to attract the visitors. Because tourism is a real
Tourism is a multi-pound industry and it is an undeniable fact that it is contributing greatly towards economic development. But, it is often argued that environmental degradation and loss of local tradition are due to t
Experts throughout the world have debated whether the travel industry has positively impacted human life. The substantial importance of this economic field has sparked environmental drawbacks in recent years. In my view,
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