IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Eating unhealthy foods has lot of negative impact on personal and the communiy, also they living situation. In this situation, Many people argue with that the governement should get a junk foods tax as this could reduce
Increasing preference towards fast food is the leading cause of unhealthy nations.Few are of the opinion that imposing taxation on transfat cuisine discourage the public from buying it,while others believe that the publi
In this contemporary world, everything is being automated, including cars. For many people, self-driving cars could do more harm than good while others opine the opposite. In my perspective, letting car driving itself ca
It is true that in this era individuals are able to attend calls with their cell phones at every place and time to answer professional and personal calls. I personally believe that negative effects outwieght the positive
It is considered as a scientific fact that unhealthy food such as fast-food and convenience food has become a ubiquitous part of the contemporary society. Eating healthy food does not only contribute to the rise of obesi
Because of the negative effect of unhealthy lifestyle to the society. It is perceive that goverment should tax unhealthy food such as sugary drinks but others thinks it is unnecessary. In this essay, I will elaborate my
This era is an era of technology. These days everyone has their own personal smartphone. People use their mobile phone at work or home anytime. In my opinion, it has more advantages of using mobile phone anywhere and any
Social media have gradually sprawled its popularity all over the world during the last few years. There is a huge uproar that social networks have devastating negative impacts on both individuals and society. I personall
Many lives are lost every year from heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other obesity-related illnesses. I think a tax on unhealthy food is a sensible idea even though some people think it could be discriminatory and dif
An inappropriate diet, that is full of unsaturated fats, sugar, and preservatives, is considered to be the main reason for many medical issues, for instance, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and others, that burd
Inappropriate diet, that is full of unsaturated fats, sugar, and preservatives, is considered to be the main reason for many medical issues, for instance hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and others, that burden t
Living a healthy life has become an important subject of discussion in most cultures around the world. Some believe that government should take part in the responsibility for a healthier society, and therefore discourage
There is a flood of junk food in today's time. Consuming such food can leave a negative impact on the health of a person. There are a bunch of people who consider posing tax on such food items whereas many invariably bel
There is no doubt that unhealthy food impact our lifes negatively. That is why some people believe that the government should promote and apply taxes in unhelathy food restaurants. However, others argue that 'fat taxes'
Social networking has become an increasingly debatable topic in recent times. Quite a number of people are of the opinion that socialization on online applications effects negatively on individuals and the environment. P
Advancement in Technology has facilitated to introduce social media sites as the most landmarked invention in the 21st century. I totally disagree with this notion. This generates a doubt whether it will hinder the socia
In this modern era, social networking sites are gaining a lot of popularity amongst every generation because of its indispensable demand. So many people believe including me that these social sites are adversely affectin
In the fast-moving world, people don't have enough time to spend on eating. The importance of cooking healthy foods is decreasing. Many people just want to fill their stomach rather than having healthy and sensible eatin
In the contemporary word , most people rely on social media for entertainment , news advertisements and so on . Nowadays , this networking sites have had a great effect to personalities and public , especially to you
Eating unhealthy feed has an unfavourable consequences for both individuals and the society where they reside. Some people are of the opinion that the government should impose a levy on junk foods while others believe th
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