It is thought that spending too much time in front of the computer can have more unfortunate than useful effects on children. I believe that it has a detrimental effect. They become less interactive, lazy and lose connec
Using computers too much can lead to negative effects more than having positive effects on your children. To me, I partly agree with this statement. And if you ask me why then I will explain all the statements and give y
In this modern era, it is difficult to say that using a computer is a bad thing or a good thing. However, I feel that computer has more benefits such as online shopping, study and even office work than cons.
In this mordern era , many individual rely on the technical devices for their work . Use of the computer by the youngsters as daily routine have many drawbacks then benefits . I totally agree with this statement .
If technology is touted as a double-edged sword, then the computer is a perfect example of it. Some opine that daily usage of the computer by children is harmful to them, whereas others argue that usage of the computer
Computer is the most wonderful invention of the modern world and young children are more attracted towards them. Like every other modern technology computer also has its own merits and demerits. But I feel advantage or d
Without a doubt, computers have become an integral part of almost every child's life. Most of the entertainment content, games, films, music, and especially educational content in the context of the coronavirus pandemic,
These days, the computer is one of the most essential factors associated with humans' live. Some people think using a computer every day have disadvantages rather than advantages to affect their kids. In my opinion, I ag
These days, the computer is one of the most essential factors associated with humans' live. Some people think using a computer every day have disadvantages rather than advantages to affect their kids. In my point of view
Over the past decade, children have been depending more on computers on a regular basis. Some people argue that this has a way more unfavourable impact on children than a positive one. In my opinion, I believe that using
Computers have become an important aspect of our lives. However, some believe that too much use of computers can be detrimental to the health of kids. Like any other technology, computers can have their own demerits if o
Nowadays using technology on regular bases can cause negative aspect rather than a positive on teenagers. I agree with the given statement as it effect on health of children. This essay shall discuss my opition on agree.
A school of thought claims that computer usage on a regular basis can have detrimental effects rather than possessing merits. If questioned, I am in complete unison with the view. Light will be shed upon the reasons in t
Research has shown children using technology has increased their IQ's, at the same time diverted their attention towards real-life events. This , essay will reflect on the pros and cons of using the computer daily.
The computer has become a part of modern life.Daily usage of this screen-based device is said to provide more drawbacks than benefits for the kids.I totally agree with this statement.The aim of the essay is to elaborate
The invention of computers is a proven boon for human beings. That being said, it has been argued that excessive use of them by children has many adverse effects on their well-being. Although there are some positive aspe
The twenty-first century is considered an era of technological advancements. Usage of computers, especially by kids, for educational purposes has upsurged in the last decade. However, it has been argued that excessive us
Computer usage has increased in recent years among children. Some people opine that using computers are good for future of children however others consider that it may affect them negatively.
It is often argued that using tablets or laptops daily can cause more negative outcomes than positive ones. In this essay, I will outline a strong agreement to this trend, exposing their consequences on children's body s
In recent years, there has been a heated argument about the excessive use of computers. While some people claim that using computers has more negative than positive impacts on children, there are others who do not think