IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is no denying the fact that since Covid-19, online education has become popular among people. While it is commonly believed that many students prefer online study to face-to-face education, there are also arguments
Many teenagers overlook studying directly as they prefer learning on the Internet as it become a trend among students. Firstly, the benefit of online studies is they will increase their knowledge rapidly. Secondly, the i
The advancement of technology has made it more common for students to learn online than to study in the classroom. The benefits of online education are a flexible lifestyle to suit individual demands whereas the lack of
The advancement of technology has made it more common for students to learn online than study in the classrooms. While the benefits for online education is a flexible lifestyle to suit individual demands, the lack of mot
Online learning has become mainstream in our society in recent years. In this essay, the causes of this matter and both advantages and disadvantages will be outlined in the following paragraphs before reaching a conclusi
There is no doubt that these days online education is jumping substantially to become primary education.Online instructions have improved to generate a lot of knowledge. I strongly believe that as benefits are overcome o
In contemporary period, studying in online format has become an increasing trend among students. This phenomenon occurs due to the advancement of technology. This essay will discuss both positive and negative aspects of
Today it is quite difficult to follow the development of technologies across all the aspects of our life. Education is not an exception. The studying process depends on computers ever more. It is hard to think of a stude
The use of computers in the educational system has changed the way students learn and interact with each other. It has reached faster access to knowledge and also excellent collaboration between students and teachers. Ho
Should students be permitted to select their own education or should they be imposed on which classes to take as all other students? Choosing classes allows students to learn what they are interested in, which increases
Online education has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering convenience and flexibility for learners around the world.
To get good oppurtunities, children are guided by the parents to persue career in medical, technology or justice which has certain pros and cons. I Intend to discuss these below and give my views at the end.
Parents support their children's growth by giving educational trips to gain more knowledge. In this essay, I will examine the benefits and drawbacks of trips for academic purposes for children.
In the modern era, many people believe that diverse countries supported education fee has many benefits because everybody can study their major regardless their economic background. Personally, I believe our government h
In this day and age, the more technology develops, the more forms of learning appear. Although people go to school or stay at home, they still can enrich their knowledge. So today, online education is liked and chosen mo
The growing advancement of technology in modern society has boosted the popularity of online learning dramatically. This essay examines both positive and negative effects brought about by this trend on children's abiliti
Nowadays, online learning has become more common around the world as a form of education because of reasons such as advancements in technology. This carries many positives and negatives which the following paragraphs wil
The advancement of technology has been increasing day by day in every aspect of human life. However, technological development, including online education, plays a significant role in society compared to the in-person ed
During the past few years, E-learning gained popularity. With the spread of the global pandemic, people were encouraged to practice social distancing. Therefore, schools replaced in-person learning with virtual classroom
Nowadays, people are most likely spend their time on internet. This phenomena is supported by the rapid development of technology that massively applied in every aspect of life including for education purposes. Online ed
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