The graph given above represents the number of Foreign Tourists who held from Japan and their proportion in Australian Market from the year 1985 to the year 1995.
This is a report describes a system, which called Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) and producted electricity. The report is the long term production for a university lecturer.
The above bar graph illustrates donations paid to developing countries from 5 organisations for 4 years. Overall, by all 5 managements, there were a significant fluctuations in donated money throught the period. Organisa
This diagram shows how use sun energy produed electricity into home. It is cler from the graph that have 5 parts: solar panels, inverter, electrical panel, utility meter and utility grid.
The bar illustrates information about the summarize of spend money for planning the countries in 5 companies by between period 2008 to 2011. The values of bar charts in billion dollars.
The provided bar charts illustrate the percentages of people those who buy Pop music, Rock music and classical music in the UK under their gender and age.
The line chart shows the statistical data about the comparison of Banana costs in several countries such as Japan, France, Germany, and the USA from 1994 until 2004. The values of the data used per kilogram of bananas.
The pie chart and line graph depict the volume of Coca-cola sold around the world and the stock prices, respectively. It is clear from the pie chart that North America has the most percentage sold, and the stock prices a
The pie chart shows total sales of Coca-Cola in the five different areas (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Middle East). In addition, the line graph illustrates share price trend of Coca-Cola from 1
The above information has described the sales volume from different regions and share prices for Coco-Cola, For the sales volume, the pie chart depicts the overall Coco-Cola' unit case volume and divides into regions suc
The given diagram illustrates the detailed process of making cheese. It can be seen that the stages consist which start with the raw milk and end with the ripened cheese.
The given chart compares the information of travellers who visited Malaysia and Dubai in 8 years. All the categories measured in thousand. By and large, the proportions of tourists in Dubai rose gradually over 8 years wh