IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the present day, societies are rating individuals by their social class and materialistic things. unlike the so-called old days when people looked at a person's values such as trust and honesty. It is agreed that such
It is undeniable that in this day and age, the core beliefs of what makes a good person have changed. Some believe the value of a person depends on their socioeconomic position or the ownership of luxury goods rather tha
In recent years, most people usually observe the illustration of someone else. Someone's belongings and social status are shown to play the main role in their life. Values like kindness, respect and trust have forgotten.
In the current time, people tend to judge the value of other people by the position in society and wealth. Traditional aspects such as kindness, honour, honesty, and trust do not seem to be important anymore. I agree, bu
In the current time, people tend to judge the value of other people by their position in society and wealth. Traditional aspects such as kindness, honour, honesty, and trust do not seem to be important anymore. I agree,
In recent years, it is argued that judging to people according to their social circuments and things they owned . It is also argued that ethics such as kind-heart, faithful,honour,and trust are becoming unessential for t
It is argued that while evaluating a person, we often take into account his social status along with his material possessions. In the meantime, society forgets about genuine values like honour, kindness, and trust. I per
In the present days, social status and wealth becomes the success parameter as rich people and high-ranked individuals are more andmired. This makes human values such as trustworthiness, friendliness, and honour to be le
Individuals are not supposed to be valued based on social and wealth status. Otherwise, personality, trust, honesty, kindness, and other inner values are more important.
People nowadays tend to be easily tempted by material possessions and social status in a modern lifestyle with various options. Other conventional values, like honesty, nobility, kindness, and trust, do not seem to matte
It is often said that present values have changed to worse, giving more and more importance to appearance while neglecting genuinity, kindness and effort.
Over decades ago, society has undergone drastic revolution. affecting our culture and beliefs. Advencements in technology also has had an impact on the world at large, to the extent that, even how an individaul is valued
In today's world, it is quite important that one should have a large circle of friends and relatives and how a prestigious house or car someone owns, because this is how society decides the worth of the person. Although
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