IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter in response to your latest advertisement in Australia's magazines about the vacancy of taking care of your child and I want to apply for the same. As I am Indian and have completed my study in D
I am Vahid Ansari studying as a student in Australia. I have seen your advert in a magazine recently. I am writing to express my enthusiasm to take care and deal with your children for six months or more.
I am Vahid Ansari studying as a student in Australia. I have seen your advert in a magazine recently. I am writing to express my enthusiasm to take care and deal with your children in six months or more.
I am writing to apply for the job of looking after your six year old child during a six-month stay at Australia. I believe I would be highly suitable for this job, and it would be a win-win situation for us.
I am writing this letter to kindly provide my interest in working as a child-care responsible, due to your advertisement in the local magazine. It would be efficient if knew, that I was working as a baby seater for thre
I am writing this letter regarding a job advertisement of this month's Australian magazine. First of all, let me introduce about my interest in this job. I am a university student who just passed fourth year exam recentl
My name is Navdeep. I have seen your advertisement regarding care of your 6 years old child in an Australian magazine. I would like to be considered for this job and I assure you that I will take proper care of your chil
I am writing regarding the notice you recently published in the magazine concerning your child’s caretaker. I am avid about having this opportunity as I am eager to spend time with children, and my major is relevant to t
I am writing regarding the notice you have published in the magazine recently concerning your child’s caretaker. I am avid about having this opportunity as I long for spending time with children and my major is relevant
I am writing in connection with an advertisement that I have seen in an Australian magazine. According to the description in the advertisement, I have to stay with a family for six months and need to take care of their s
I am writing in connection with an advertisement that I have seen in an Australian magazine. The description of the job describes that I have to live with a family for six months and need to take care of their six-month-
My name is Will Adam and I am a citizen of New Zealand. Recently, I have read an advert in an Australian magazine called Sherlock which is published every month in my country. I am writing this letter to express my inter
I am writing this letter in response to the advertisement published on March 31, 2022, in the Australian times. I moved here in August 2021 and pursuing my master’s in early childhood care at the local university. I have
I writing this letter to inform you that I have seen your notice about looking for someone who can take care of you kind who is 6years old and I have interesting in this job indeed.
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