IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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My name is Ramanjot Kaur. I am writing this letter to bring your attention to my lost documents, which I believe I left in hotel's' room. The incident happened on June 17 when i was spend a couple of days in Hotel Aroma
I am writing an email to mention a thing I left my necessary documents in the room due to the harsh schedule of a flight. I usually keep the documents under the table, and it looks like a book brown folder. If you open
I am writing this letter to you about some important documents that I forgot in your hotel. I am Navneet from room 401, I stayed in your King hotel for 3 days and I checked out yesterday, I discovered this morning that s
I am writing this letter to enquire about some important paper that I left during my visit. My name is Tarun Mittal from Toronto, Canada. This morning at about 11 am, I attended a meeting in your newly made conference ha
I am writing to let you know that yesterday I attended a meeting at your hotel. Before the meeting, I stayed in room number 1, there was a side table on the right side of the bed where I left my essential documents.
I hope this letter finds you well. I recently had the pleasure of attending a meeting at your hotel, and while I appreciate the overall experience, I would like to bring to your attention a concern that I encountered upo
The reason why I am addressing you is to request you help me to find the important documents which I left at the Sultan Hotel, Karshi on 29 January 2024.
I am writing to you to explain this letter that last week. I had been lived in your hotel. But that place is I face to one problem what is why I going to said that issue.
I am writing this letter to inform you that I enrolled in a business meeting which was held in one of your hotel's rooms, yesterday. By mistake, I forget my important documents over there and I need your assistance in th
I am writing this letter because of regarding the meeting held at your hotel last week. In that end of meeting that day I forgot some important documents. I left the documents at meeting hall. That hall similar to that o
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