IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The table illustrates statistical data regarding the number of five nations who lived within the same five countries namely, Britain Germany Italy Polish and Spain in 2011
The past 50 years have seen a considerable increase in the number of people suffering from stress-related illness. Why is this happening and how to alleviate this problem? In this essay, I intend to explore the sources o
Nowadays, when our society is in the stage of rapid development, a tendency can be observed to drop in number of people who feel anxiously. It is agreed, that the main reason for this issue is that a bunch of responsibil
In many societies, the amount of stress experienced by people is increasing, which affects the quality of life that society have. This essay will discuss possible reasons for this matter and introduce measures to fight
High earnings of small group in many countries are appears to be beneficial for country economy, I strongly disagree with those who make statement by saying salaries should be in certain level.
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