There is no denying the fact that many people in poor countries die from diseases that are curable due to they cannot afford the medication required. While it is a commonly held belief that drug companies should reduce t
In the present day, some individuals, caught up in the fast pace of life, prefer nutrient-poor fast foods because of the availability and convenience they provide, which has potential negative impacts. In this essay, the
In the present day, some living in the fast pace of life prefer poor-nutrient fast foods because availabity and convinence it provides, which has potential negative impacts. In this essay, these several drawbacks and the
Talking about health issues, one cannot avoid looking at the alarming increase in numbers of people having difficulty maintaining a healthy balanced diet. In fact, its reasons are multiple and certainly, the solutions to
It is believed that there should be a reduction in the price of medicines in poor countries due to people in these nations can not afford treatments which results in an increasing rate of death . The writer of this essay
Several researches showed that the death rate from diseases in underdeveloped countries is alarming, the situation was driven by a lack of access to sufficient medication. I believe this dire situation needs to be addres
Most people who live in poor countries die from diseases that could be healed by using medication. Because they cannot afford the price of the treatment. Therefore, some crowd think drug companies could decrease the pric
Nowadays, many people may find it difficult to maintain a healthy diet in this fast-paced environment. In this essay, I will discuss the reason behind this difficulty and propose several potential methods that could solv
Poverty related death is a huge predicament faced by natives of third world countries. With the vast improvements in the health sector, this should not be the case. I believe pharmaceutical authorities should cut down th
Some of the African countries and Asian countries still are developing countries or they are undeveloped. Due to that, the people on these countries having low income and they are not receiving enough income to afford fo
Certain individuals are unable to maintain their health properly. There could be multiple reasons for this issue and there are several steps if implemented, can reduce this issue to some extent.
It's undisputed that medicine is a commodity which is crucial but its price is too high for under-developing countries to afford, which is the reason why many people lost their lives in spite of the curable diseases. It
In recent years, health has attracted the general public's attention. There are some people who believe that a healthy person is often described as someone who has a good diet, do exercise and avoids stress. This essay w
While many struggle to maintain a healthy diet, it appears that the factors leading to this situation are very diverse. The reasons behind the difficulty some have to eat well can often be linked to education, behaviors
There is no doubt that good health is the key to a happy life. Usually, an individual's well being is linked with his nutrition intake, work-outs and a peceful mind. I belong to India, and in my country, people need to m
It is widely believed that an individual to be deemed healthy must follow a proper diet, and regular physical regime and refrain from stress. I completely concur with the above statement based on my personal experience
IT is a well-known fact that countless life had lost in third world countries because many people cannot afford medication. I totally agree with the notion that state pharmaceutical companies should make drugs affordable
Diseases are a massive concern all the time, and the supply of medicines to heal the diseases is another crucial problem as well. Although the availability is not a problem, in third world countries medicines are consid