IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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my name is SumanPreet Kaur and I am working for your company for five years. I am writing this letter to show my interest in working at its head office for at least six months
I am writing to you to explain that I would like to work in its head office in another country. I was amazed when I knew its main office in the United States. Actually I work in my country and It is in bankrupt and the l
I am writing this letter to ask you for your permission as well as your help. To be honest, I would like to be part of the company's head office team for the next six months which is based in England.
After greetings, I am writing this letter to you with regard to my request of spending a short period of time approximately six months working in the company's head office in Saudi Arabia.
I am Raj, working in the management department under your guidance. I am writing to express my interest in working for our company headquarters in Los Angeles, United States, for a few months to further my advanced manag
I hope to see you good in health. I am writing this letter to enquire about the possibility of getting a chance to work in the head office for the period of six months.
I am writing this email to you because I want to work in the other company’s head office for six months. I am grateful that I am able to work in this company and would like to achieve greater experience during my career.
I am writing to request a letter of recommendation in order that I will be able to work in our company's head office for six months. I will have to relocate to the UK and I require your assistance.
My name is Georgia Henry, working as a Financial Manager, in the Etobicoke branch of your company. Today, I have been writing to request you to migrate me to the main office of our company for a half year because I have
My name is Georgia Henry, working as a Financial Manager, in Etobicoke branch of your company. Today I have been writing to request you to migrate me to the main office of our company for a half year.
I am an employee who is attached to the QA department at the HCPL factory. I am writing this letter to inform you regarding my transfer to our headquarters in Canada. There is an opportunity to attach to the same divisi
I am writing this letter to let you know that I am really interested in the opportunity of working abroad that you mentioned during the last meeting. I would like you to know that I and a good fit for this position since
I am writing this letter in regards to avail the opportunity of working in training and development department of our company in its head office. I recently completed my 6 years in Apex as a Human Resources Manager and n
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