IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The newest research, on the BBC, has considered whether children should take the same responsibility for their poor behaviour as the old part of the nation. I strongly disagree and believe that young folks should not be
There is currently a contentious argument over whether punishment should be imposed equally on adolescents. I totally disagree with this opinion because of the inability of young people to pay fines and the lack of socia
There is currently a contentious argument over whether punishment should be imposed equally on adolescents. I totally disagree with this opinion because of the inability for of young people to pay fines and the lack of s
People have different views concerning the question of how to tackle serious juvenile crime. While it is sometimes argued that immature offenders should be punished in the same way as mature ones, I, to some extent, disa
Committing a crime is a serious act that should be met with appropriate punishment for those who are responsible. Nowadays, with the increase in the number of juvenile criminals, there are some who believe that young peo
As the remarkable increase in juvenile delinquency has been a serious cause for concern nowadays, it is generally believed that youngsters who are involved in serious crimes such as murder or robbery should be subject to
There are arguments about whether juveniles should be confronted with consequences for committing severe crimes like robbery or assault in an equal way as adults. I believe, they ought to take responsibility for their ac
Committing a crime is a serious action that needs to have a punishment for those who committed it. Nowadays, the rate of criminal of the juvenile is rising, there’re opinions saying that young people should be punished t
Nowadays, the age of crime is getting younger and younger, especially teenagers. This raises the question of whether the methods of re-education for juvenile delinquents are an outdated and no longer deterrent. Some argu
Nowadays, the criminal age is getting younger through decades. People say that young individuals who made crimes should be given chances. Others believe these people should have the same punishment as adults. Personally,
In the advanced pace world, youngsters commit several illegal acts such as theft and assaults. A Popular stratum of society tends to believe that children should also punish them like mature people. I completely disagre
It is irrefutable that, In an advanced ,pace world crime rate pump up very speedily. Youngsters are committed serious crimes. Such as robbery or a violent attack should be punished in some way as adults. I completely di
Some section of the society think that authority should uniform the punishment regardless of their gages, while the others shed that the society should consider the teenagers’ particular situation, such as not as mature
Some sections of society thinks that authorities should uniform the punishment regardless of their gages, while others shed that society should consider teenagers’ particular situations, such as not being as mature
When it comes to crimes by younger people, they have become more arguable due to the different two opinions about them. Overall, as it should be handled for logical and reasonable reasons, criminals whose age is relative
In recent times, the number of young people being convicted for various offences has drastically increased. While certain persons believe that younger people involved in serious crimes deserve to be sentenced as adults,
Nowadays, most crimes are committed by the juveniles. Many people believe that punishment for any crime committed by the teenagers should be the same as the adults. I agree with the statement and this essay will discuss
In many countries the world over, criminal activities now are not only done by mature individuals but also are committed by adolescents. Consequently, there has been, in recent years, a growing body of opinion in favour
It is a common belief that young people, accused of substantial crimes have to be pressed with the same charges and prosecuted with no difference from the adults. In this essay,I will present why I strongly disagree with
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