The table illustrates the numbers and percentages of households living in poverty in Australia, in 1999, segmented by household types. In general, single parent households had the highest poverty percentage in comparison to aged couples which had the lowest percentage. 21 percent of single parent households, amounting to 787878 homes were living in poverty as of 1999. This was closely followed by single person households at 19 percent. Couples with children and without followed at 12 and 7 percent respectively with aged households being the least affected by poverty. All in all, aged homes were the least affected by poverty. The table shows that there were 3 times more single people households in poverty as compared to single aged people, whose poverty rate was at 6% proportion. Similarly aged couples had a lesser proportion of poverty at 4 percent, in comparison to single couples at 7 percent. In all, 11 percent of all households in Australia in the given year we...