From the perspective of some people, there are a number of large cities and towns progres- sing in the recent years day by day.While I agree that there are a huge number of large accommodations following a lack of big apartment and this accommodations cost a firm to live,I would argue that there are a certain number of towns and cities developing in this modern age and it would absolutely bet- ter to construct new accom- modations in rural areas for people. It is absurd to say that the most of the people move from a major cities and apartments to the countryside without suffering any losses. The government could solve other issues associated with unem- ployement and it is true method is that, the constructing new accommodations in the rural areas.However,it is not a quick concluded, exactly.From my point of view,it costs a lot of supplement money and a certain amount of time for this project. On the other side,it seems to me that as time goes by turning up ...