IELTS Writing Samples Band 7

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Some claim history is one of the most important school subjects. Others assume that, in today’s world, subjects like Science and Technology are more important than History.
Shopping in department stores is more common today than going to traditional or local stores. There are some reasons why people like buying in large shopping centres. However, I believe that it will give some small business owners impact on their day-to-day operational activities.
In the realm of sports, a perennial debate exists over whether success is primarily a result of innate talent or continuous hard work. While it is undeniable that natural talent provides a solid foundation for athletic prowess, I firmly believe that relentless dedication and consistent effort are the ultimate determinants of success in sports.
Being a celebrity brings more problems such as losing his or her own identity and less free time in pursuing the reputation via mass media rather than some benefits: luxurious lifestyles, encouragements from fans, because such benefits are not stable, and these are the products of risking one’s privacy.
In recent years, some people have been discussing whether individuals have a reason to study a foreign language in order to travel or work in a foreign country or not, with people believing that they do not have only reasons. In this essay, I will debate and explain my opinion about this topic.
Over the years our planet has become a home for millions of species. However, there are certain animals, whether it is because of humans or natural selection, became low in numbers. This essay will provide information on why animals have been decreasing in numbers and the solution that might be a way out of this situation.
The media play a crucial role in our lives; however, sometimes they treat celebrities in an unfriendly way. Some people assert that this is the price of being famous, while others believe the media should not intrude on their privacy. I believe that although the media play an important role in famous people's careers, some regulations should be imposed to tackle this issue.
There is a quite long history of people using animals in medical experiments. Even after centuries, people are still judging whether it should be prohibited, or should be continued because it is beneficial for humans. Personally, I think that it is beneficial to humans, and we may need to do that.
After a while of chain store and big mall opening, in a few decades, people has tend to choose these places for purchace than local stores result in breakdowning of small shops.This issue have some benefites and drawbacks that I will extend and give some solutions.
These days, technology is developing really fast, and companies every time produce new things, so they introduce them with publicity also, saying this is new. because they want to have a lot of sales. In my opinion, It is a negative development because they are damaging the environment, and people waste their money.
In modern society, a mobile phone is something that all human beings have to live together. Primary school students are no exception, most of them are quite familiar with smartphones from a very young age. It can be easily imagined that students want to bring their own phones to school to play games, watch YouTube or take photos with friends. To cope with that, some primary schools have taken measures to prevent students from having mobile phones on school grounds.
The argument about whether a leader is born or made has raised a lot of concerns , especially in the corporate world with some believing that they are hereditary traits that one is born with, and some being of the opinion that they are acquired skills. This essay will provide a detailed breakdown of both views and why l stand with the latter's viewpoint.
Issues related to marketing are frequently discussed these days. In the business world, it true that launched items always be described as they are cutting-edge compared to others in the market. In my opinion, it is due to the fact that customers prefer innovative products. I also contend that this trend brings benefits in aspects and this essay will provide further explanations and examples to clarify my viewpoint.
Nowadays, museums and historical sites are mainly visited by foreigners rather than local tourists. One of the reasons for this is the lack of knowledge in local citizens, and to increase the frequency of visiting such places by local people, advertisements and school education focused on locals are effective because these activities will provoke awareness of museums and historical sites in the local areas.
It has become increasingly common today for individuals to live longer than they did in past generations. Although many point out that aging populations hinder a nation economically, I would argue that the benefits for society as a whole overshadow these perceived drawbacks.
It is argued that some pupils are willing to attend extra classes besides the major ones, while others claim to prefer taking all efforts only to achieve their professional education. Although learning about additional subjects can develop students’ soft skills, I agree with the view that students should pay attention mainly to their qualifications because it will enhance their chances of being accepted in the workplace.
A positive attitude is often touted as a crucial element in achieving personal success and success. While I agree to a considerable extent that maintaining an optimistic viewpoint can indeed lead to self-improvement, it is important to recognize that it is not the sole factor in becoming a better person. There are several dimensions to this argument, encompassing psychological, social, and practical perspectives.
It is considered by many that separating boys and girls for their education is more effective, while others believe that sending students to mixed educational institutions brings substantial advantages. Although the latter opinion can be beneficial in some cases, I believe that separating them into different schools can instil better qualities in students.
There are divergent views on whether a country should import movies or TV programs from other countries. While some worry about the likelihood of bringing negative impacts on their domestic market, I strongly believe that this trend is beneficial to developing one's national culture.
In today's society, there is a wide range of opinions on the topic of school uniforms. Some schools enforce strict dress codes, while others have more relaxed policies. Both approaches have their own set of advantages and disadvantages for children.
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