IELTS Writing Samples Band 7

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Successful sports professionals can earn significantly more money than individuals in other important professions. This disparity in earnings has sparked a debate, with some people believing it is fully justified, while others view it as unfair. This essay will discuss both perspectives and present my own opinion.
Nowadays, some successful athletes are making money considerably higher than individuals who are involved in more significant careers some people reckon This is totally justified whereas others opine it doesn’t make sense. This essay will delve into both views and illustrate why this revenue is not fair.
Some people may define success as being delighted and fulfilled, while others may assume it as having fame and accomplishments. This essay is of the opinion that all of these elements are relevant; however, it is crucial to have a willingness to learn in order to persevere in their attempts. Additionally, the ability to maintain enthusiasm might be the best indicator of success as this would promote a working spirit.
Advertising is the basic key to success in marketing business, but some companies are enough smart to show the existing products as new ones, which is a positive development and I will explain with reason and relevant examples in the following paragraphs.
Consuming too much sugary foods may result in the majority of illnesses. While some crowds claim that the government should take action to restrict eating sugar, I agree with those who believe it is people's duty to pay attention to their food and how much sugar they eat.
In many parts of the world, people still work after their retirement age. Some argue that this would help them to be stable both economically and psychologically, while others say that they should spend their last years of life with their families. In my opinion, there are more advantages than disadvantages for the elderly still working.
It is the undeniable point that, children are the future of the nation, but nowadays youngsters are very irresponsible in their lifestyle. Some people believe that both parents and teachers should take measures to solve this issue and I agree with this statement, I will explain in the following paragraphs.
While life is turning kind of speedy these days and time passes briskly, ready-to-eat meals have shown as a magical solution for workers and others who don't have time to cook their food. However, others think that this trend has some bad consequences. This essay will refer to some studies to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of packaged ready foods.
In the contemporary era, people’s perspectives on taking risks have shown significant divergence. Therefore, the question of whether risks in work and life can contribute to more benefits than drawbacks has become a matter of considerable debate. From my perspective, I believe that taking risks plays a key role in enhancing an individual’s life and brings about numerous advantages over the downsides.
In today's generation, people wonder whether all students should study art and music in school or focus on academic studies. I personally agree that art and music are superior for some reasons that are set out below.
There are competing views on whether to make development in life.Although changes always involve risk , I still think that it is always good to make changes because , in the long run, people will gain more from the changes they make than they lose.
Nowadays the number of obese people is increasing rapidly. People around the world are worrying about this phenomenon, and giving an opinion of escalating the cost of high-calorie meals. Considering the taxes and people’s food choices, as well as the metabolic system, I believe this solution is likely to exacerbate the fattening situation.
In the contemporary world, the issues of the environment are at the forefront of public awareness. These problems, therefore, are tackled by increasing the fuel prices which is the main method. Despite the positive ramifications that may drive the approach, I maintain the opinion that raising people's environment is by far the best approach to deal with it, outlined below.
Online shopping has revolutionized the way consumers purchase goods, offering numerous advantages and disadvantages. In this essay, I will discuss both the benefits and drawbacks of online shopping.
Every year, the topic of school dress codes is debated among parents. Some parents think dress codes shouldn’t be mandatory, while others agree with these regulations. I have agreed with these regulations since my first year of school.
Some people splurge lots of money on unnecessary and unaffordable stuff. It leads them to get into debt. I think this is rooted in over-advertising and financial literacy, but there are some solutions.
Several nations spend heavily on the development of transportation systems in urban areas while ignoring rural transport. This can lead to several issues like unemployment and also the local businesses may not be able to export their products. In addition to this, students may not be able to attend schools which are far from their hometown due to the unavailability of public transport. The following essay would discuss these problems in detail, and provide feasible solutions that a government can take.
Having a home instead of renting is very necessary in some specific countries because of high inflation and increases in the cost of rent. I think this is a negative situation because some people's financial wealth is down.
Currently, most industries are using plastic, due to the convenience. However, there are statements that plastic is causing pollution. In this essay, I will talk about the bad impacts of wasted plastic and solutions to address the problems.
Nowadays, there are two types of people. The first type, is people who want only to travel to an ordinary place and have a good time. However, the other type is people who want to travel to extraordinary areas to explore more. Recently, a variety range of individuals have been visiting areas with harsh weather conditions. In this essay, I will elaborate on the pros and cons of this argument.
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