IELTS Writing Samples Band 7

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In today’s society, people’s perspectives on education have shown significant divergence. Some believe that punishment plays a key role in helping children understand the difference between right and wrong. I agree with this viewpoint and will outline some practical punishments that can guide children towards demonstrating good behaviour.
Although living in a large city can be beneficial for some reasons, living in this kind of place has more problems to handle on a daily basis. For those matters, I strongly argue the argument to relocate individuals to a different town.
In the contemporary world, the debate on whether children should begin learning language at primary school rather than secondary school is a prominent one. While there are compelling arguments on both sides, I believe that the advantages of early language learning outweigh the disadvantages.
It is true ,Nowadays many children are raised by their grandparents because their mother and father both are busy with their work. Definitely, this trend affects the entire family in many ways. In this essay further I will explain how it is affecting with some examples from surveys and journals.
Being employed in a job is a crucial part of anyone's adult life, it is a journey that everyone goes through. In my opinion, it is important for a person to get a job even if they do not like it, especially at the beginning of their career because getting experience will open up a lot of prospects. However, I do not agree with that statement fully.
Despite certain developments in agriculture, people still suffer from hunger in a number of parts of the world. There are several reasons for this issue, which this essay will clarify and cover several ways to solve.
People have different views about whether the government's progress on the economic side is more important than progression in fields like medicine, education and sports. While making progress in business can be essential, I believe that, progression in other fields especially educational institutions is more important because it will provide future opportunities for younger generations to make the right decisions in their life.
When children start school, the question of who influences their intellectual and social development more teachers or parents becomes a topic of significant debate. While both teachers and parents play crucial roles, I believe that teachers have a greater influence on children's intellectual and social growth once they start school. This essay will discuss the reasons with relevant examples.
Despite significant advancements in agricultural technology and practices, hunger remains a widespread issue affecting millions worldwide. This essay explores the reasons behind persistent global hunger and suggests solutions to mitigate this problem.
It is certainly true that children are receiving a greater amount of tests and exams at school at a young age, right up until they are teens. There are certain pros and cons relating to this topic, which I will be discussing below.
Art plays a crucial role in harmonizing societies. While proponents of art believe that artists should be given the autonomy to produce any sort of art piece, others vote against this notion. Nevertheless, I subscribe to the former view; I believe that artists should not be restrained regarding their creativity as their works portray a sophisticated mode of communication and exert an influential role on societal members.
Tourism has become increasingly prevalent over the past decade. While eco-tourism does provide financial benefits to nations, citizenries and regional cultures can be jeopardized in the process. This essay delves deeper into the threats posed by tourism on local societies and their norms, and explores panaceas to overcome these problems.
The debate over whether art is an essential subject for children in school or a waste of time is ongoing, with valid arguments on both sides. Proponents of art education argue that it plays a crucial role in the holistic development of children. They believe art fosters creativity, enhances emotional expression, and improves academic performance by developing skills like concentration and discipline. For example, drawing or painting can help children observe their surroundings carefully and express their interpretations, thus enhancing visual-spatial skills.
It has been researched by scientists that everyone born in families has more impact and outlook from their family backgrounds, where he grew up. In my opinion, it affects less on our personalities as we achieve by ourselves in our life experiences. This essay will discuss why families do not have more effects as compared to growing individuals and I will provide an example at the end of the essay.
In contemporary society, there is a debate regarding whether young people should take a gap year to work or travel after graduating from high school. In this essay, I will explore both views and provide my perspective.
It is widely believed that young people, especially those under 21, are more prone to causing accidents. Consequently, many argue that they should not be legally permitted to drive until they turn 21. In my opinion, completely prohibiting young adults from driving is not the solution; rather, they should be allowed to drive under specific conditions. This essay will discuss the potential hazards when late teenagers are permitted to drive and the possible benefits of allowing them to drive under certain restrictions.
Running a family business where members of the family take different parts and work together to achieve something, is not an easy task and not everyone can do it, it takes commitment and dedication and people need to harness a lot of time for it to be successful.
It is observable that there is a gap between schoolmates’ academic performance, and some are even falling behind others. I strongly agree with the notion that while guidance from teachers is vital, parental involvement for the betterment of students’ academic performance is indispensable.
In the future schools, galleries, museums, and libraries will not exist because everything from education to culture and entertainment will be on the Internet, this essay will completely disagree with this because presenting it online is not as beautiful as reality.
In recent years, the shift towards remote job has become a prominent trend, with advocates highlighting its potential benefits for workers and their families. However, sceptics argue that this transition may introduce new stressors within the home environment. This essay will examine both perspectives and provide a balanced analysis before presenting my own viewpoint.
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