IELTS Writing Samples Band 7

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On a tedious Saturday afternoon, I felt the need to go out and do something because it was the day I got bored the most. Although I enjoy staying home and just playing video games or watching a movie I'm never in the mood for that on a Saturday, so going out was the only solution.
In our contemporary era,resources and information appear to be easily acquired by means of the Internet.A plethora of people,including me,believe the Internet plays a pivotal element in learning due to the feasible prospects it provides such as flexibility of time to study and availability of any resources.However,others believe schools are solely enough for children's educational progress.
In recent years, with the help of science and medicine, life expectancy has extended in many countries. This trend concluded with a significant rise in healthcare costs and payments for pensions, but I personally consider that it has positive impacts on society as well.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of individuals discussing the possibility of computers replacing educators and its impact on various aspects of education. Some argue that this technological advancement is inevitable, citing reasons such as efficiency and consistency in delivering educational content, while others assert that the absence of human instructors may have detrimental effects on students' emotional and social development. In this essay, it will be argued that a balance between technology and human teaching is crucial for optimal societal development.
It seems like nowadays there are many people who aren’t enjoying their life because of a lack of desire for the profession or work they are doing. There are several reasons for such a state, and it may have a strong influence on the lives of entire families. Among the reasons to hate your life path we can list - financial reasons, parents’ decision, lack of some special talents etc. As for me, I’m convinced that if you wake up in the morning with the smile to go to your work - you are the happiest man in the whole universe; we ought to be fond of our profession and careere, otherwise it can cause a real disaster.
Due to stiff competition, university admission has become cumbersome for many scholars. Some people assert that university entrance should be based on school grades, while others argue that it should be open to everyone regardless of age. I believe universities must have reservations for high-grade pupils during the enrollment process.
Some argue that people should teach children how to be good citizens at home, while others argue that learning from teachers in school is superior. This article will argue that, while educating juveniles at home is simple since parents spend so much time with them, it is more productive to assign them to educators who have teaching skills.
In the plethora of communities, it is thought that the majority of people prefer to save their finances in a bank or savings account as their best option to manage their funds. Meanwhile, others assume that spending money on necessities is a preferable choice. In this issue, I will explain clearly and in the following paragraphs, I will shed light on numerous reasons to support both views.
It is common knowledge that more children in developed countries are becoming overweight. This trend is a serious problem for wealthy nations, posing significant health risks. This essay will discuss the most serious problems associated with obesity and suggest possible solutions to address this issue.
There is no denying the fact that science has been always a crucial part of enhancing humans' lives. While it is a commonly held belief that the most critical goal of science should be improving people's lives, there is also an argument that opposes it. In my opinion, I consider that science should always aim to improve our lives.
Commercializing kids' food and toys has reached a certain level, negatively luring children. Therefore, some people believe that authorities should permit the marketing of kid's materials. Such advertisements not only cause addiction among infants but also burden parents' budgets.
In this contemporary epoch, a certain proportion of people are shifting their purchases to the huge shopping centres rather than visiting to local traders of their area. In my opinion, there are various drawbacks to this scenario. This essay will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of this change and will lead to a logical conclusion as well.
In some countries, the number of zoos shows an upward trend, and it is believed that they can be inhumane to animals and therefore should be banned. In my opinion, I totally disagree with this view because zoos, in fact, can help animals in a number of ways.
people have different views about whether environmental issues require global-level attention or national-level dealing. While handling these vital issues at a global level can be beneficial in addressing issues like climate change and providing hands to smaller nations, I believe that handling them at a national level can provide unique responsibilities to each country.
It is certainly true that purchasing things on the Internet is becoming more and more famous. However, there are more merits to this than demerits , which I will be discussing both.
In recent times, some think that historical subjects should be taught to students at school, while others argue that they should be educated in other related skills to serve their daily practices. In my opinion, although history has its importance, I agree that learning contemporary skills is more beneficial for students in today’s world.
In recent times, some think that historical subjects should be taught to students at school. Others argue that they should be educated in other related skills to serve their daily practices. In my opinion, I personally agree with the viewpoint that children should learn about other relevant skills instead of history in their classes.
In today’s society, people’s perspectives on health issues have significantly transformed. When people encounter health problems, some tend to try alternative medicines and treatments rather than visiting their usual doctors. Therefore, the question of whether this trend is positive has become a considerable debate. From my perspective, I believe that this phenomenon brings about adverse impacts on people.
Today, males and females are more concerned about their looks than in the past, the essay will agree because the statement showed me something about my reality and something I see every day.
The benefits of a vegetarian diet, including fewer obese individuals, cancer patients, and people with inflammatory diseases, outweigh the potential drawbacks of an increased risk of cerebral bleeding and constipation in the country. By reducing the incidence of obesity-related diseases, the vegetarian diet can reduce healthcare costs and improve overall population health.
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