IELTS Writing Samples Band 7

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There is a belief that the ease of gadgets hurts society and individuals. It has not only affected health but also consumes time and distracts people from their work and studies. I completely agree with this notation that exceeding the craze for video games is a major setback for our society.
Some individuals opine that children should have the right to select the stream they want to study. Whereas, others believe that they should have focused on basic discipline. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter notion that rudimentary schooling is mandatory for youngsters as they are unaware of their choices of interest in tuition and they can learn all the perspectives of different subjects.
In this contemporary epoch, most individuals face trouble of not getting a night of proper sleep due to high stress which further leads to the situation, lack of concentration during their work and feeling fatigued most of the time. This essay will delve into the issues caused due to low sleeping hours and will provide the proper remedies to overcome this problem.
Many youths do voluntary service in their native places, which has a symbiotic type of benefits. According to some people, this should be made mandatory that all teens do unpaid jobs in their leisure time. This short essay gives the reasons below, why this statement needs to be disagreed on.
The discourse surrounding the most effective medium for acquiring news has led to contrasting opinions among individuals. While some individuals lean towards newspapers, others argue in favor of alternative media sources. In my view, although newspapers possess certain advantages, the rapid dissemination and accessibility of digital media render it a more preferable choice for staying abreast of current affairs in the present era.
It is believed that internationalisation can be perilous for the diversity of cultures. I completely agree with this statement because people tend to follow the trends and customs prevailing especially in first-world countries.This essay will delve deeper into these points in the impending paragraphs.
Some people perceive graduating from college become the best way to get a job while others argue that getting experience and growing skills are more prominent to getting a good job. I believe both academics and experiences are crucial factors in securing a good job.
Sometimes, it is argued that it is beneficial for people to compete with each other in all aspects of their lives. Others thought that instead of competing with each other, it can be a better idea to work together like a team. While I totally understand the advantages of competition, I believe cooperating with each other can be more beneficial for individuals.
Mankind has two general types of needs, necessary and not urgent. One of the most fundamental needs is health care services. Nevertheless, non-governmental institutes have turned it to be expensive for normal citizens. This essay will extend the benefits and drawbacks of it with a weighing them at the end.
The debate over whether governments should allocate budgetary resources to the search for extraterrestrial life is a hot topic. On the one hand, there are people who argue that the search for life is a great start, and on the other hand, there are opponents who believe that such resources would be better spent on solving bigger problems on Earth. Both points of view are understandable.
In modern society, being self-employed is increasingly becoming a trend. However, this choice also comes with certain drawbacks. This essay will analyze the reasons behind this growing trend and discuss the potential disadvantages associated with being self-employed.
Nowadays, travellers are increasingly visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara Desert or the Antarctic. This leads to both advantages and disadvantages for visitors because of some major reasons which I shall explain in more detail in this essay.
Historically, wealthy, royal and religious families tend to have many children, which made them have an expansion, bigger support and a good example for society. During that time only men had to work, whereas the woman's duty was a home. Nowadays, with the equality of human rights, ladies have chosen to work the same amount of hours as gentlemen, therefore ending up not having time for raising children or consequentially wanting them.This causes a rapid drop in society's population as well as a decline in the union of families as a fundamental attribute, which before represented our ancestors as a main purpose in life. In turn, people do not recognise that as a main goal in their lives anymore. In this essay, I will outline the advantages and disadvantages the reasons for not having kids and how it affects society.
The question of whether an elderly population has an optimistic impact on society is worthy of debate. Some people argue that the senior generation benefits society. However, the advantages of having an ageing population do not always outstrip the disadvantages.
Education plays a crucial part in the life of everybody. Experts believe that primary study should be paid more by governments to get prospective outcomes in the following pupils' levels. Overall, they found a strong relationship between primary, secondary and tertiary instruction. In this essay, it will be mentioned not only what is required, but also what should be done by governors to increase significantly in the quality of primary schools.
Nowadays, the population of some countries contains much more young adults than older people. This means that most organizations are run by young individuals. Do the positives of this situation outweigh its drawbacks? In this essay, I am going to analyze the major points and try to draw some conclusions. Let’s start with the advantages.
Many people believe that kids should be recognised with a gift or a trip for their respected attitudes. On the other hand, some people argue that children should be criticized for being not good. I agree with both ideas as children have to be rewarded for doing good to encourage them to continue this behaviour, but still, they should be punished sometimes for their bad behaviour to learn that must face their faults.
According to some individuals, it is illegal to perform experiments on wild creatures. Moreover, others favor that they are the best source for attestation and their help can make many significant discoveries. I think it is beneficial to apply modern science to these species. Because human life is more important and new drugs can be judged easily.
Several tourists now choose to visit weird places for tourism these days unlike before, such as the Antarctic and the Sahara Desert. Although there are advantages today such trips , however, the risks attached to them cannot be neglected.
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