IELTS Writing Samples Band 9

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These days, there is an ongoing debate between people believing that the rise in business and cultural affiliation between countries is positive. Meanwhile, some individuals claimed it is actually making its own way to lose national identity. It can be perceived that the advantage is cultural integration which may boost world peace while it can be disadvantageous as someone may not trace its ancestry. In this essay, I will be explaining both views.
With the increase in population and demand for generic roles, the competition is super high. Some people believe that choosing a path of study at an early age will mean that the chances of landing a relevant role are higher because of the rise in competition. In this essay, I will discuss why I disagree partially with this narrative for reasons like immaturity and the negative influence of parents when going through adolescence.
It is believed that at a given time tele-purchasing will compel the closure of all bazaars throughout big cities and villages. Personally, I agree with the view owing to the fact that, eBay is faster and more convenient than in-person buying. However, it has its pitfalls. This essay will shed light on both sides of the statement and provide evidence to prove the arguments.
Most nations globally are united together in the fight for humanity even if they are different culturally. Some people are of the opinion that enhancing trade and cultural relations is seen as a positive move whereas others believe that this move will annihilate the country's identity. In this essay, I will discuss both points and argue that bringing nations together should be seen as a win because of these reasons: world peace, financial help and military aid when needed.
Conventional job is no longer the new normal. Earlier, people used to do a single job for their whole life but now they are finding different ways to earn money and to educate themselves.I strongly agree and I think that, nowadays, there are certain circumstances in which you have to be more flexible to work in any industry and enhance your knowledge to succeed.
While some people believe labour-saving devices such as dishwashers and computers makes our lives easier through automation, other people believe these devices creates more problems than it solves. In this essay, I will discuss why I believe modern technology helps to reduce stress by automating menial yet time-consuming tasks.
Some individuals commented that outside playing is more relevant for youngsters' improvement than playing electronic games. Personally, I strongly agree with the view owing to the fact that outward activities socialize teenagers, on contrary, video games are sources of youngsters' health issues. This essay will shed light on both sides of the matter and provide evidence from the University Zambeze and Oxford University investigations to prove the arguments.
It is undeniable that technological and scientific developments have brought tremendous benefits to people's lives in various ways. However, arts still receive a great deal of attention. This essay will explore some insights and values of arts that a person cannot obtain from science and technology.
Taking a study break after high school and before joining university is very common in some countries. Many people spend their holidays travelling all around or doing full-time jobs. There are many demerits for young people who decide to do this.
Some people prefer to stay in the same company throughout their lives while others think that switching to a variety of companies is the best choice for them . Although I think that staying in one company may have some advantages , I believe that changing the workplace remains more advantageous for employees .
It is often argued that it is more advantageous to choose a job with a high wage even if it doesn’t appeal to you at all. I completely disagree with this opinion and think that jobs comfort is much more important than earnings.
Intrinsically, charitable work is of the clearest manifestations of human’s benevolence towards one another, regularly seen either in the offer of sustenance, financial support, or help to the needy. While a number of people advocate such kindness ought to be unbounded, others claim the contrary, stating that there should be a limitation to it. From my perspective, I voice approval of the latter, in that I believe
Some individuals commented that advancement in technologies straightforward the purchases. Although, others oppose the view. Personally, I agree with the statement owing to the fact that these innovations revolutionized the market. However, it has still some disadvantages. This essay will shed light on both sides of the matter and provide evidence to prove the arguments.
Some individuals commented that apprentices should take culinary art as part of their school curriculum. However, others argue that solely the most crucial topics should be taken. Personally, I regard the first view as the most relevant for students mental development owing to the fact that it is the earlier preparation for adult life. Although, it is time-consuming. This essay will shed light on both sides of the view and provide evidence to prove the arguments.
A couple of people thinks that living without technology is easy-going while the involvement of the latest equipment in our life makes it hard. I disagree that simple way is the only solution and this essay will discuss how machinery has made our life easier.
This is true that superstars have more revenue than politicians, so recently this has become a hot debate among people in society. This has diverse reasons and in this essay, I cite the main reasons and explain why this is a positive development.
There is no doubt that being a good member of society is crucial. While some people believe teaching this perspective to children is the parents' responsibility, others argue that it is the school's responsibility. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument and propose my opinion.
These days, there is an ever-growing number of product manufacture that brings about environmental problems. In this essay, both causes and feasible solutions will be analyzed.
These days, many believe that governing bodies must plan a budget that will focus on cheaper and faster means of transportation rather than the fuel, economics and environmental issues, which are again the outcomes of accessibility. My essay will discuss both the opinions to a better road-system and I personally strongly support that the cheap means to transport must be given preference.
Nowadays, children are keeping themselves busy with various types of work and are earning money along the way. While some people think it is absolutely unnecessary, others believe that it is an experience for them to gain knowledge or to build a skill which would make them responsible in future. I feel that the children should not work at an early age. I will explain my view with reasons and examples.
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