IELTS Writing Samples Band 9

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A common argument being had among many people is about artefacts and whether they should be taken to where they were originally produced or if they should remain in their secondary permanent locations where they can be taken care of and also properly analyzed for the sake of learnings. I believe they ought to remain where they will be studied. This essay will discuss both views and in addition why I hold my opinion.
Decreased quality of sleep is the real modern-day pandemic because the number of people who suffer from difficulties falling asleep is on the rise. This essay will discuss the issues that such a problem might cause, as well as the possible solutions that could be utilized to tackle it.
Technology is flourishing by its leaps and bounds in each and every field and internet plays a prominent role in the human generation. However, it has been argued that the internet is having more disadvantages in people life than the advantages. This essay will elicit upon both the elements then only I will give my own view.
While a number of individuals opine that imprisonment for long periods is the prime way of decreasing offences, others think vibrant actions will be more appropriate to do so. In my opinion, the rate of violence could be dropped by imposing proper laws and legislations considering some aspects instead of just imposing longer sentences; however, both views will be discussed.
It is considered by the majority, that embracing of unfortunate times in life, like financial instability or unpleasant job, is the best they can do, while other think that an individual has to put efforts, in order to improve unsatisfactory circumstances. In my opinion, whatsoever is the case, a soul should never quit trying under any condition, as prolonged efforts give a ray of hope for prosperity.
It is considered by the majority, that embracing of unfortunate times in life, like financial instability or unpleasant job, is the best they can do, while other think that an individual need to put efforts in order to improve unsatisfactory circumstances. In my opinion, a soul should never quit trying under any condition, as prolonged efforts give a ray of hope for prosperity.
When talking about refurbishings and renovations, many people are of the opinion that structures that have been up a really long time should be destroyed and a new one built in its stead. I strongly concur with this reasoning and in this essay, I will discuss why.
According to past experience, it has been noticed that women lead the states more peacefully compared to men leaders. I disagree with the statement because leadership does not depend on gender.
Immunization is considered as a preventive measure for various types of childhood illnesses. There are 2 arguments as to whether the authority should force the society to have their child vaccinated or the resident would be given their rights for refusal. In my own view, the role of the government is to oblige the primary caregivers of today’s young generation to cooperate in the implementation of vaccination rather than giving them an option to refuse.
Over a decade, the usage of fossil resource as a major of fuel in machinery things, especially vehicles, becomes a major of debate. The reason behind this controversy is because of the impact that it inflicts in the increasing number of traffic together with the pollution produces by them. Regarding that matter, many people think that increasing the petrol price will solve those problems, but in my opinion, I do not think it works. Therefore, in this essay, I would like to explain my belief and the effective ways to encounter those issues as well as providing a plausible conclusion.
Over the last couple of decades, we have familiarized ourselves with the use of advanced payment methods. Credits cards provide great convenience to the human race. Credits cards are widely used for our regular expenditures and we are heavily relying on them. In this essay, While credit cards present certain drawbacks, I strongly believe that the advantages surpass the disadvantages of this payment gateway.
The emergence of technology has influenced many aspects of human life, especially the way society interacts with each other. That understanding might lead to a question about how this development can change the way people communicate and the effects that it brings to us. Therefore, in this essay, I would like to suggest the answer to that case and give a plausible conclusion regarding that matter.
The overwhelming majority of kids physical fitness is moving towards the disease called obese, very rapidly which consequently causing numerous health issues across the affluent nations. Having said that, we will discuss the various factors responsible for the above-mentioned statement and impact of it.
There is no doubt that creativity is linked strongly to freedom, and artists should be able to represent their proper ideas. While some people believe that they should have all the freedom they need to express themselves, others argue that this should be limited. In this essay, I will explore both arguments, and I will support with examples why I tend to believe that the drawbacks of having total freedom override the advantages.
Nowadays, most of the students are more on practical and they thought ahead before getting stress and pressure when they enter university life. Some went to other places and explore, others find a job for experience in a certain year. I would agree with this notion, and it will give advantages of the person before jumping into a new chapter.
In today's world, there is a controversy on the topic of the importance of Olympics in the 21st century since it is believed by some part of a population that this event may be unnecessary nowadays. I do not agree with this opinion since, firstly, Olympics keep the history and the culture inside of them and, secondly, people are motivated to do sports and other physical activities.
There is no doubt that in order to play any sport successfully some requirements are needed. While some people believe that physical strength is the most important factor, others argue that mental strength should be on the top of the list. In this essay, I will discuss both arguments and I will support with examples why I agree with both views.
It is a common belief nowadays that fast-developing technology leads to the extinction of the authentic lifestyle, furthermore, it is commonly accepted that there is no point in keeping the traditions alive. In this essay, I will look into this opinion and will provide the reasons why I completely disagree with the statement.
The growing number of individuals think that the industries and citizens both are required to be paid for cleaning the environment. I agree with the given statement, and the reasons behind my thought will be discussed in the essay.
Globalization has brought in all countries across the world on to the same thread, which ought to have sound knowledge in different types of foreign languages. This mandates the equal importance of all types of skills like listening, reading, speaking and writing while learning destination countries medium of communication. I completely agree with the above statement and provide my supporting examples in this essay.
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