IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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These days people show more interest in visiting places of extreme weather conditions, right from the Sahara desert, which is one of the hottest, uninhabitable places on earth to the Antarctic region, which is one among the coldest. This affinity to explore difficult places has its own merits and demerits which are discussed in this essay.
Ever since I was young I have always been quiet and shy. Every individual possesses diverse talents, weakness and strength. And I have always known that one of my weaknesses is a lack of communication skill which I am still working on. I firmly believe that being aware of my weakness gives me a clear understanding of the things that is holding me back. Therefore, I decided to challenge myself by playing in a basketball team when basketball tournament held at school in 2018. Even if I tried ...
It is often argued that a journey is necessary to have many experiences to improve our lives. Some people might think that overseas trip has an abundance of benefits between tourists and nations. In my opinion, the pros of international travel outweigh the cons. This essay will address the perspective of the journey.
It is often argued that the development of the technology is required to live our life better. Some people might think that it is recommended for some individuals who desire to purchase the technology such as vehicles. In my opinion, the pros of this development for community outweigh the cons. This essay will address the perspective of developing technology.
It is true that these days an increasingly large volume of tourists is heading towards tough destinations such as The Antarctic, Sahara desert and Others. In my opinion, Visiting extreme places offers an enhanced exposure to life and thrill, but it also poses threat to the life.
It is true that some parents do not put any restrictions on their children’s wishes and do anything they want in order to satisfy them. I would not consider it as the best way of upbringing children because of its effects on them in their future life.
Many educational institutes have firm guidelines regarding school uniform and their pupils’ appearance, whereas some schools allow their students to wear what they like. Although having a strict dress code protects students from many forms of on-campus bullying and creates a unified school experience, it also interferes with their creativity and self-expression and thus causes resentment among them.
There is no doubt that shopping is an essential part of our life. However, although some people think that shopping online is beneficial, it can cause several negatives.
Nowadays, spending time overseas has become more and more popular. In fact, taking a year out to live or study has been increasingly a controversial topic in society. Indeed, there are both pros and cons regarding this matter/related to this, which I will be discussing in this essay.
Nowadays, we can see lots of students working a part-time job while they are studying. This more likely to happen to teenagers from poor families. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of this phenomenon.
Tourism has become increasingly popular among different countries. Many developed countries considered it as an industry because of its positive impact on the economy. This essay will discuss the benefits and also the drawbacks of this trend.
The invention of communication mediums, such as cell phones and the internet, has been profound achievements in today's world. This essay will outline the perspective, merits the big one is narrowed down the distances, and another one is entertainment through video games, which is stronger than its demerits.
The world has changed drastically in recent times, thanks to the advent of technology. People are no longer required to be physically present at the office to do their work. The advantages of working from home far outweighs its disadvantages.
Due to advancement in technology, people's life became more realistic. It is a pendamic debate in the world, development of robot is good thing or bad thing. While this approach has too many advantages and disadvantages, this essay will emphasise both approaches along with conclusion in following paragraphs.
In the recent decades, habitancy of youth in many countries increased and surpassed ancient. In my opinion, the positive impact of having a young population overweight the negative. This essay will discuss both advantage and disadvantage and gives relative examples.
In this time, many countries are offering scholarships to the students that would like to continue their study abroad. However, they choose those students based on many criteria such as high grades, age and English language level. There are scholarships for graduate and postgraduate pupils, and mostly the students prefer to study in developed English speaking countries like the United States and the United Kingdom. In this article, I will discuss the pros and cons of studying abroad.
It is believed that living the fast developing and focused technology word allows studying abroad while in the earlier time it was less impossible. However, this chance has advantages as well as disadvantages and this essay will consider both of them.
Nowadays, corporates are working hard to improve the productivity of employees by experimenting a variety of strategies. Most of the big and small companies require their employees to wear uniform as a standard practice. The below essay will discuss why do some organizations require homogeneous and what are the drawbacks of wearing one at work.
In this modern era, technology becomes an essential part of our life. Nowadays, majority of client meetings and sessions are taking place on the internet. Although Online meetings have some minor disadvantages like no face-to-face communication and deepens on machinery, It has many advantages such as time or cost saving and global connectivity. In my opinion, its positive impacts outweigh the negatives.
Nowadays, e-books become one of the choices for reading a book. Because, the development of technology and publication. It is undeniable that many people choose to read e-books. Although some people choose to read a paper book. From my point of view, I strongly agree that e-books have benefited more than the drawback.
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