IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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Nowadays it is increasingly more popular among people travel all over the world . Although,the visitors struggle with unusual situations while abroad, they will also gain significant life experiences that will add one's abilities.
It is true that some parents are overly permissive (müsamahakar) and tend to spoil their children. In my opinion, this is not a good parenting style, and it can have a range of negative long-term consequences.
Among the people is becoming relevant to send their close relatives in nursing homes. Despite the care homes have convenient conditions for older people, it's far better off to live with family in love and attention. In my opinion, people should care of parents, for they have been dedicated their whole life to growing children.
Nowadays, along with the rapid development of the economy, some students think that study abroad brings many benefits, while others believe that they should finish university education in their motherland. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it. One advantage of studying abroad is mingling with the different types of the cultures and customs of that country. To illustrate, when a student travels abroad to study, he will be compl...
Although in the past, most of the work meeting was in the special space and all members should participate there, nowadays by coming technologies in our life, part of these meetings can do online. In this essay we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of online meeting and business trainings.
Medical science has developed every second. as a result, it can influence the surgical methods and drugs and person's longevity and life expectancy are affected. In my idea, enlargement of the elderly population has pros and cons, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. I will elaborate on the reasons for my opinions.
İt is believed by a group of people that alteration has a significant effect on people rather than keeping everything the same or remaining the same thoughts. I believe that positive sides of the change in every aspect of life are significantly higher than negative sides.
In modern society, there is an upward tendency in the trend of becoming parents later of many couples. From my perspective, it gives more disadvantageous than advantageous influences.
Some people believe that running a business with family members has a positive impact on it. However, others believe that it can also lead to some negatives. This essay will talk about the benefits and drawbacks of a family run business.
Criminal proceedings are broadcasted on TV for general public in certain countries. I believe that negative sides of being showed criminal trials for all people higher than its positive sides.
Teaching a foreign language has become a fixed curriculum in most of the schools around the world, and choosing the best time to initiate that has been open for discussion among specialists. There have been some negative points regarding teaching a foreign language in primary school; however, the positives definitely outweigh them due to rain ability of students and more flexible hours in primary school.
Nowadays, it is often argued that what should be the proper attire in offices. Many workplaces have set rules and guidelines for compulsory uniform that staffs have to wear at work. In this essay, I am going to explore, what makes wearing particular uniform at work advantageous, and some of the drawbacks related to these dresses at work.
Nowadays computer based technology is an integral component in the learning process. Although, online education has a potential to compromise interactive learning, overall, computers provide an easy access to a great amount of information. Hence, deploying such devices in education is clearly a welcoming trend.
There is an increasing trend around the world to have a neuclear family rather than a big family. There are benifits and drowbacks of having a small family rather than a large family.
It is irrefutable to say that by far food has been the most popular medium over which people socialize. Preparing food at home on special occasions like festivals has been a tradition, however, this trend is gradually changing. Nowadays, people prefer to purchase food rather than cook at home. This essay gingerly delineates the advantages and disadvantages of this trend in the following paragraphs.
Learning a foreign language apart from your mother tongue and the common language in your home country is very important in today's competitive world. For some people it may be necessary for studying abroad or communicating for business purposes. I will be discussing some methods commonly used.
As technology has become an integral part of educational organization. Some people opt for taking lectures via digital devices, whereas others prefer to learn about new materials in a traditional way. I will examine about the pros and cons of studying with digital devices.
Now-a-days adults are motivating teenage people to work or travel after completion of studies in school rather than joining for higher studies in college.There are both merits and demerits for teenage students who do this and we will discuss this.
In recent years, the trend of shopping online has been increasing due to its convenience, personally, despite its drawbacks. I would argue that purchasing things on the Internet should be developed on the basis of their evident merits. On the one hand, no business will succeed if it fails to take the needs and location of customers into account so that buying stuff or air tickers not only help many technology companies grow a business, create more chances of jobs but also meet customers' ch...
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