IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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Over the past few years, it is seen that the number of students choosing to study abroad has accelerated. Although, the desire of obtaining a qualification from overseas has its pros and cons, but I personally believe that it is a great chance for an individual's mental and personal growth.
With increased earning of people, number of toys for children are being purchased by parents is also accelerating. This essay will discuss the pros and cons that owning large number of toys has on children.
In the era of globalization, electronic devices and the net have become more superior, virtually than a conventional life, so that the humanity puts too much emphasize on them. A single benefit is that the virtual life shorts the long way, namely everyone can contact with relations and friends variously with the net, whereas one of the drawbacks is that the mankind began to lose a value of family and such types of senses.
Nowadays, there is important to consider the type of home when searching for a place to stay. People believe that live in a detached house preferable, rather than to live in an apartment. So, this essay, analysing the issue from multiple perspectives, will provide more data to the pros than cons.
In our contemporary world, parents, mainly mothers, play a radical and indispensable role in the development of children. Some people opine that housewives must be paid earnings by government, while I am of the opinion that bringing up children is a mother’s responsibility not government’s.
In recent years, maternity leave has gradually been considered as a righteous measure for the welfare of female employees. Some people believe this action is beneficial for women and their babies, while other people deem that maternity leave may also cause some issues. This essay will discuss why the advantages of advantages of offering maternity leave outweigh the disadvantages.
It is entirely prevalent and common in many societies that women are allowed to take maternity leave and stop working for some limited months. Some people are of the opinion that this action is highly beneficial for women and also babies, while others deem this action as a problematic action in some cases. This essay will discuss both benefits and drawbacks of maternity leave and also will present, whether the benefits outweigh the disadvantages or not.
In today's era, there has been a tremendous improvement in the health or the life span of the older people. It is happening due to better medical facility and good hygiene. They are still active and interested in contributing towards society. This essay will discuss the benefits to the community through their help.
At the current time, there are many people who prefer to be self-employed rather than to work for an organization. There might be different causes and some drawbacks regarding this subject matter which this essay will attempt to address some of them.
The children's are the tender buds of the society and their nature is most indispensable for their bright future. Nowadays, the adolescents concentrate more on TV than the early days. I will support my point views in the upcoming paragraphs.
Due to science subjects do not have stimulant for students to study this part of lessons in university,thus, in most nations will be being economic problems in society.
In recent times, it is often seen that in many country’s higher authorities are taking the initiatives to set up industries and businesses on the outs cut off the cities. In my opinion, the merits of this supersede the demerits.
It is certainly true that the use of e-mail has greatly changed the way we communicate with each other at work as well as socially. However, it is my belief that not all the effects of this innovation have been positive, although there are certainly some advantages.
Only around 30 years ago or so, it was hard for people to travel, because of the monetary problems or the difficulties to collect a wide range of documents needed. Nowadays, not only visiting, but living in the other countries are fairly usual and many students decide to take the degree at the foreign universities. However, does this allow them more benefits than drawbacks? Let’s discuss.
We live in an advanced and globalised world which necessitates that all people must learn a foreign language to cope with the modern trend. The optimum age for learning a new language is a matter of public debate which in my opinion is better to start as early as possible as the advantages of it are far more than the disadvantages.
People are able to cope-up with the pace of rapidly growing economies with the advancements made in the food sector. In my opinion, I think fast food brings about more drawbacks to the new-world human compared to any benefit it might bring.
People are able to cope-up with the pace of rapid growing economies with the advancements made in the food sector. In my opinion, I think the fast food brings about more drawbacks to the new-world human compared to any benefit it might bring.
In this day and age, energy related issues have gained more public attention, somee people are in favour of the encouragement to search for the depository of oil and gas in pristine regions.
Nowadays, society supply more benefits from its members especially , scientists and artists.Smilarly contribution of scientists and artists which are very similar in terms of inspiration to people and aid to national income.
These days people show more interest in visiting places of extreme weather conditions, right from the Sahara desert, which is one of the hottest, uninhabitable places on earth to the Antarctic region, which is one among the coldest. This affinity to explore difficult places has its own merits and demerits which are discussed in this essay.
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