IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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Our world is a world of innovation & creation. In this world of creativity, everyone chooses to be self dependant as the independence gets the most priority. Hence, people want to be their own boss in terms of employment to get an opportunity to get the best in oneself out.
Everybody dreams to have a comfortable and beautiful place to live in with their family that they would like to call "home". In fact, home is not just a dream, it is our fundamental right. But when it comes to choosing what type of place to live in, many people like to live in a house while others prefer an apartment. In my opinion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to living in a house or apartment, and the choice depends on our preference and capacity.
Nowadays internet has become an important part of people’s lives. The majority of adults and children prefer home studying and working. This has both positive and negative sides, that’s why it’s a common debate topic. In my opinion advantages outweight disadvantages, and in this essay I’m going to review both points.
Nowadays, e-commerce is a popular way to buy or sell through the Internet. Not only consumers start to buy needed consumables, companies also tend to pay more attention to their online shops. In this essay, I will look into the benefits and drawback of this for both parties of commerce.
Education is mandatory for making successful career. Some people argue that after secondary education children are motivated toward work, although some people think that they can enjoy a travel mode. While both approaches has their own advantages and disadvantages, this essay will emphasise both approaches along with pros and cons in following paragraphs.
Mobile phones are considered essential by most people nowadays. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones and state your opinion.
It is a widely discussed debate whether or not uniforms are needed at workplaces, because not only are they plain, but they also make the job look uninteresting. Uniforms do have its fair share of pros and cons. There are many advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniforms at work.
Modern weddings are more extravagant as compared to the old days. It is true that these ceremonies have negative impacts on the society. However, the upsides of such ceremonies outweigh the downsides.
In the modern era we can't think our activity without the internet, nowadays it is not only a service but also became a necessity. I think, rapid access to the knowledge has improved our life. The easy access to knowledge has negative impacts on our lifestyle too. This essay will first discuss a few positive impacts and then will discuss a few negative aspects of increased access to information.
Some people argue that it would be better to teach our children foreign languages as earlier, as it is possible. Although not all concur this opinion, I would encourage that, given the fact that the very learning process in younger kids goes easier and smoother, and in addition it may result in higher academic achievements in the future.
In this day and age, people are leaving traditional eating habits and enjoying junk cooking as a main course of meals.While, I accepted that consuming prepared food have a positive influences on the eater but somewhere, it puts negative and harmful effects upon society.
Many learners have been chosen to debate at an educational institution after completing the secondary certificate rather than engaging with jobs. This essay looks forward to elaborating firstly, the most advantage is getting higher research attention and secondly, the major drawback can be facing a financial crisis. (46 Words)
Firstly, basic knowledge in a broad range of fields is a must. With a good foundation in natural and social sciences, students will be confident in comprehending the world as well as gaining self-confidence and self-esteem when discussing topics with their peers and sharing opinions as an essential part of socializing in their later life. In fact, people have taken many actions to protect our planet due to what they have learned from school.
Online shopping like books, air tickets and household items has become extremely common nowadays. In my opinion, purchasing items online has several advantages like time conservation and fuel economy, which outweigh any minor disadvantages it might have.
Utilizing the social webs to communicate with others and be aware of news are becoming relevant today. Despite the Internet gives the opportunity to send messages to another and broadcasts all world news, people suffer from it due to lacking of meeting and communications with people. In my opinion, social media has both pros and cons.
Nowadays, online language translators have become ubiquitous. I strongly believe that the benefits of this far surpass the drawbacks.
In today's feed industry the use of chemicals has been increased considerably, in the form of additives or preservatives. It is defiantly not a good practise through many think it is. In my opinion, this trend has detrimental effects on people's health.
Preservatives and meal chemicals are increasingly used in the meal industry these days. However, their use is not safe and poses serious risks to human energy. There are, however, strong opponents of this view, claiming certain advantages of cuisine preservatives and chemicals that overshadow these risks. As far as I am concerned, the underlying risks and benefits must be pondered upon before coming to a firm conclusion.
It is commonly believed that the extravagant price of healthcare has been attributed to the involvement of private enterprises, despite it being a fundamental need of every resident. The principle advantage of private health hospitals is the better facilities they can offer as compared to state-own institutions, while the main disadvantage that its high treatment cost makes ordinary people impossible to access the healthcare services they need. This essay agrees that its demerit outweigh the merit.
Nowadays it is increasingly more popular among people travel all over the world . Although,the visitors struggle with unusual situations while abroad, they will also gain significant life experiences that will add one's abilities.
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