IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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In this day and age, some undergraduates are inclined to delay tertiary education for one year, and this seems to be an increasingly common trend in many parts of the world. From my perspective, while deferring university enrollment allows students to enrich their life experiences, I would contend that the disadvantages of this phenomenon could overshadow its merits.
In modern society, whether young generations ought to be requested to participate in a wide range of charitable works in their national community. From my perspective, I firmly believe that the enormous benefits of this tendency place heavy emphasis on merits outweigh its demerits.
Most of the population spend their time in their workplace and are left with minute time for their hobbies. This scenario has a high number of demerits. However, this scenario turns out to be advantageous for a certain type of employees. I will be taking both stands and explain why disadvantages outweigh advantages.
Nowadays, energy derived from photons emitted by Sun is receiving all the buzz as it is being used in many homes around the globe as a substitute for other generation forms of electricity. This is most advantageous at several levels. Surprisingly, It also comes with few disadvantages that need to be tackled. I will discuss the key merits and demerits of this buzz around this renewable electrical source.
As recently, huge technology advancements had occurred, many aspects of our lives have been affected by this phenomenon and one of which is our social interactions. Since social media apps had been developed, most of our face-to-face contacts have become obsolete. This change in our behaviour offers certain advantages like enabling accessibility while bringing disadvantages like providing an illusion of a utopian lifestyle.
It is true that residents still would rather dwell in their homes. However, the majority of the population prefer to rent apartments in developed countries. This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of renting a house and provide a logical conclusion.
People have different views about how studying in a foreign country can be advantageous for students . While others claim that it maintains some obvious negative consequences. In my opinion , I believe that the advantages of studying abroad can outweigh its disadvantages.
In recent years, different types of green sources of power have been invented by scientists. Energy from solar power is gaining popularity every day as a major source of power in a number of households. Its environmental friendliness is one of the major causes of this trend. However, the high cost of installation and scepticism about its durability has stopped from being even more pervasive. This essay will discuss its benefits and drawbacks.
Many people believe that society needs experts in some disciplines and the government should provide funds only to the scholars studying the related curriculum. The professionals and students of less relevant courses should not be given any kind of fellowships. I strongly disagree with the proposal because who will decide what is relevant or not relevant to society. In a sustainable and smart city, the contribution of each field is required. This essay will demonstrate why its proponents are wrong.
In the globalization era, technology is unseparated from human life. Increasing usage of technology can be seen in many areas, such as cashless transactions. However, as with other things in life, it is a double-edged sword where we can find both pros and cons. I personally believe that this condition has more advantages than disadvantages. In this essay, I will explain the reasons behind my stance.
Nowadays, there is an increasing trend of mobilization within the society to fulfil their overall needs and this will lead to more congestions and bad air status. It is supposed by many that the regulators should impose more tax on fuel to offset that condition. I totally agree with the statement and this essay will discuss both sides of the argument.
In recent times, individuals prefer to purchase their own cars and utilize them for their daily uses instead of using other modes of transport. This essay agrees that the negative impact this phenomenon imposes on the environment outweighs the advantages that car owners achieve, and the reasons will be elucidated further.
Few companies and organizations emphasise their employees wearing the uniform. There are more advantages than disadvantages of having uniforms and this essay shall discuss the positive and negative aspects of this idea and describe the rationale behind my opinion.
In some ,countries the youth are namely more than the elderly. In my perspective, the benefits of bearing more youngsters might overcome countless hurdles in various countries that will be addressed in the following paragraphs.
The chemical use with food could be applicable considerably in many developed countries. Even there are advantages and disadvantages. In my perspective,the benefits significantly outweigh the drawbacks regarding chemical utilization.
In this modern era, people have to go from one place to another place for their job, study or something else. For moving to the other place, they use airways because it is very easy and flexible. Every activity which is done by human beings has some benefits and drawbacks. Here, I will discuss enhancing tourism activities in the following paragraphs.
It is true that sophisticated advances in electronic devices have altered how youngsters spend their spare time. This essay will examine the pros and cons of devoting free hours to utilize electronic gadgets by young people.
These days, travelling around the world is easier than in the past. It allows people to go to more far and natural areas. However, I strongly believe that it is a negative development for several reasons.
Certain educational professionals opine that it would be advantageous if teenagers start commanding a foreign language at primary levels instead of secondary schools. I strongly condemn the statement, as kids are already over-burdened by the existing education system. Firstly, we will discuss the drastic impact of this on children and secondly, we will explain how it is going to be a bane rather than a boon.
It is considered by some people that children should be reminded that they can get whatever they place their mind on if they work hard. In this essay, I will discuss the merits and demerits of this view.
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