IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Nowadays, some youngsters prefer to live with their families while they are studying, whereas, others like to join universities in non-home provinces for the sake of their privacy. I consider the latter option as a better one, as it makes a child independent and active. Firstly, we will discuss the advantages of studying and accommodating in a university in a distant place and secondly, we will explain, how it has an edge over living with family,
People have been enjoying going to different places for a long time. Time has changed and in the present era, individual wants to travel in those cities which are not suitable for all such as, the Sahara Desert or the Antarctic. I will discuss, what is the merits and demerits of those sites.
Few parents choose a special course for their younger kids studies like MBBS, software and courses related to court. This essay will discuss both pros and cons for the juvenile who is under parental control.
Nowadays the number of youngsters increase remarkably rather than the elderly population. I think the benefits of this trend are more than drawbacks.
It is thought that shopping online has several merits as well as drawbacks for consumers. I think the merits supersedes the demerits and will discuss the reasons in this essay.
In recent years, the trend of having children at parents' convenience has increased significantly. People, who live in the metro cities, are more inclined to have infants at older ages. While some believe that this contention has more benefits than demerits, others have different beliefs. This essay will discuss why having children at older ages is more beneficial.
The quest of exploring new places is never-ending. Nowadays, there is an increment in the number of people who make visits to the remote areas of the earth. These trips prepare the human body for surviving in adverse conditions, give a unique experience and a feeling of achievement at the end. At the same time, there is a threat to life and loss of connection with the outer world. Further, I will elaborate pros and cons of visiting a remote zone.
As the world’s population grows, a number of places of natural charm are destroyed to compensate for the need for more land for human usage. Nevertheless, people should be reminded of how beneficial these natural resources are as well as should be educated on how to help save them. This essay will attempt to address both issues.
Although many believe that they should work for a standard workplace, on the contrary, others often argue that it is better to start something on your own. Even though both views have their own advantages and disadvantages, I believe pros are heavier when it comes to working for a firm.
Renting a house has been becoming increasingly common in recent years . While some persons think that this trend has many negative consequences and prefer owning their home. Personally, I take the view that the disadvantages of renting a home can outweigh its advantages .
Communication technology has fastly been improved. People then simply connect with each other across the world. Even though individuals being a different side of the world could contact within just a few seconds. It is likely to be faster in the future with developed multiple technologies. In my view is those tend to be gradually improved which benefits of usage outweigh a few drawbacks.
In today's generations, some modern people choose to be financially independent and well planned to become parenthood. This essay will illustrate the causes of society and family. However, delaying in parenthood brings some financial benefits for the future, also there can be some negative problems.
An outlook for life differs from person to person. Each individual has a different point of view of being cheerful, has a meaning of their own. It is arduous to explain the meaning of happiness in a single manner and there are varied reasons that are vital to gain contentment.
Most individuals are likely to be more satisfied when they live with many facilities including a transportation system. Private cars are forbidden to use in some particular areas of certain cities,substituting with the public transport system. In my opinion,the benefits of this situation could be best modernised with a slight weakness in accordance with one's lifestyle in the cities.
Nowadays, there is a great revolution in the field of marketing. More and more renowned sportsperson are endorsing different athletic products, definitely, this strategy has myriad advantages compared to disadvantages. In this essay, I will be illustrating some of the benefits in the upcoming paragraphs.
Nowadays consuming convenience foods has become more popular among people because it makes the digital lifestyle easier . Although I think that it maintains some obvious negative consequences, I strongly believe that the advantages of convenience foods can outweigh its disadvantages .
It is considered that the tendency of getting a job far away from home and friends is getting popular these days. This essay will discuss how people can improve their careers and the negative impact on relationships with relatives and friends can happen. Whilst acknowledging that there are some drawbacks, this essay will argue that this development has more benefits than disadvantages.
It goes effortless when we talk about how the computer plays a vital role in education centres. I believe that the biggest benefit of using PC's in education is the ability to provide audio-visual content to students. Having proper consideration of the pros and cons, I would like to explicate the benefits in the coming paragraphs
For many years, national universities had always been the prior choices of every school-leaver but recently, they seem to prefer studying abroad. However, there are numerous merits and demerits of this trend, which I will state below.
Every country has distinct methods to deal with a convicted person for maintaining rules and regulations in society. A section of community vehemently deems that a specified punishment for each offence is more effective to alleviate the crime rate. Although, It holds a plethora of merits yet numerous demerits are also there.
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