IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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Nowadays, due to the hectic schedule at the workplace people don't get time to do enough exercise or in some ,cases people don't do the workout. As a result, they suffer from different health issues. The question is why do working professional don't get proper exercise. This essay will discuss my viewpoints about what are the reasons for the aforementioned statement and how we can get over this problem with a few examples.
Nowadays people prefer to shop in large shopping centres or modern retailers in malls as opposed to the old days where they used to buy groceries and other things from local shops in their neighbourhood or other nearby areas. In my opinion, I firmly voice that this is a negative development owing to the fact that many small shops might suffer huge loss or even worse they might have to close their businesses permanently.
The internet is an important part of life in modern times. It has changed our lives in many ways and made it easier to do many things. In my opinion, I agree with this. I will first look at some ideas why and then some benefits.
Generally speaking, natural water is being depleted in an unprecedented rate at the moment due to being used excessively by humans. While some consider that water belongs to the public so they can use it unlimited, other insist that it is necessary for government to implement a restrict control over fresh water utilization as it is a finite resource. In my opinion, I maintain that we should use water cautiously otherwise we will suffer from the shortage in the future.
Vocational training has become increasingly popular among certain middle schools in European countries. While some parents send their children to schools where practical skills can be learned, others have children staying in traditional schools. This essay will give two suggestions for schools to better prepare students to become employable.
Nowadays, the rate of crimes committed by young people has increased dramatically in many different countries. This essay will discuss the problems that involved teenagers and also suggest some solutions.
In this modernised era, living an independent life is gaining popularity. In myriad countries, youngsters prefer to live away from their upbringers after their senior secondary education. This essay will discuss both merits and demerits of this trend and according to me, it definitely puts detrimental impact on children as well as their parents.
In western countries, it is a common norm for the young generation to move out of their parents' home after completing high school or post graduation. They prefer to live with their friends or even better live alone as they can learn to handle things on their own. In my opinion, I believe this is a positive development for the students, thereby transforming them in to more confident and strong people to handle any life situation, and thus can perform better as adults later.
Many people claim that technology services had a significant impacts on our lives and have now a controls to our households, recreations and work ventures. Although technology can have some negative consequences in our lives as we become more dependent on it, it is still far more beneficial overall as technology has helped us in our everyday lives. This essay will discuss both sides of the arguments.
All around the world more and more people use mobile phones with preinstalled specific applications or services like Apple Pay or Google Pay. These applications alleviate, amend and simplify our experience of exchange money between each other, pay our bills and do shopping. It means that cash goes on a second plan and becomes not so important as it was before. Is this tendency negative or positive? In this essay I would like to review the key advantages and disadvantages of it.
Friends are among those individuals who can influence our lives through spending time together and sharing our secrets with them. Nowadays some people may think that it would be better to be alone instead of having different friends. But honestly, I disagree and strongly believe that we should have a friend. A friend who worth it and can make our life better.
Some people think that outsiders from other nations make a bad impact on their country. There are some reasons for this thing. It can solve by taking a few steps by the government. In a further paragraph, I am going to explain “what kind of facts we need to consider to solve this problem?”
Technology is flourishing by leaps and bounds and providing us new avenues to work remotely or work from home. However, before, forming any final conclusion to this topic, I will discuss both pros and cons of working from home.
People learn and develop throughout their entire lives. I think that in our modern world it is very essential to be familiar with computer technology. So, if I had a chance to give a child a gift it would be a computer. I think that computers play an essential role in our lives and they bring many benefits to our society. Moreover, children can learn by use of computers. In the following paragraphs I will give my reasons to support my answer.
Recent decades have witnessed an enormous growth of obesity epidemic in many developed countries. There is not the slightest doubt that people`s health status will be seriously threatened by this issue. This essay will illustrate the main factors contributing obesity problems and thereby elicit some feasible solutions.
Travelling has become more common nowadays among people, especially for a vacation. There are several reasons why people choose to go on holidays in other continents, and I would argue that this is a positive development for the host countries.
It is true some doctors want to work in cities instead of rural areas. Some poor areas there are not enough doctors. Therefore, some doctors are going to poor areas as a 'volunteer' which means most of doctors do not want to work in those areas. There are several reasons for that. This essay will explain about the problem and solutions.
There is no doubt that the number of science majors is decreasing with respect to other majors. This trend has been gaining popularity these days and causing many problems. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons for such a phenomenon in addition to its consequences.
Nowadays, people are using their phones for any money transaction instead of going physically. While some agree, the habit is good for our society, some think it might be dangerous sometimes. Though there are arguments, the positive side is always stronger than the other ones. This essay will discuss both of them and explain the reasons.
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