IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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In the current era of globalization more people tend to migrate to the places where appropriate living standards are maintained. Even though it can be negative in terms of cultural, environmental, and economic perspectives, I personally believe that international migration has many positive effects.
There are different types of people who play special roles their whole life. Some think that people have leadership abilities in their blood from childhood whereas others are convinced that people can study hard to be a leader. This essay will discuss both views.
These days, the masses lead the lifestyle that suits their personality best. Some people thus opt for living in solitude because they consider this method the best way to achieve independence. This essay aims to investigate the mentioned view and then present the chief reasons why it is a negative trend.
Most students have less willingness to choose subjects related to science in colleges in many countries, which causes some impacts on our society. In the following essay, the reasons behind it and the possible effects are going to be discussed.
Many believe it is a good opportunity for adolescents to work part-time while they are in school, while others disagree with this statement. This essay will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of students working part-time while being at school.
There are some reasons that explain an increase in youth drug abuse, it is possible to cite the coolness young people feel when using prohibited drugs and political issues related to control of traffic. As consequence, many of these young spoil their future. The ways to face this problem can reside in education and a more rigid drug control by the government. In this essay I will present two ideas to combat this problem.
These days, many buyers prefer to shop in giant shopping malls. As a result, several small shops have closed. While this phenomenon is beneficial for customers, it has a negative impact on small businesses and economy.
State-of-the-art technology has made it possible to have diverse use for mobile phones. Gone were the days when phones were used for only calls but not now, as it can be use to browse the net, watch movies and make video calls. Some educational institutions have decided to put a hold on the use of cellphones by the students. I consider this development to be a good one because it reduce distractions in class, prevent the students from watching what needs not to be watched and have time for themselves.
Some are of the opinion that children should be enrolled into ideal schools in order to teach them socialization. However, others think that educating at home would be the best choice. I believe that the children who go to school experience an evolution in becoming a better human in all means than those who learn at home.
The younger generation has chosen shopping as their most favoured hobby, with so many online shopping sites, one can buy with just a few clicks. In my opinion, I agree because shopping nowadays is easy with so many options to choose from and they also offer great discounts and deals.
Comments: The human civilization, has come many centuries ahed of the black and white era, to the epoch of colours. Physcologists believe, that colour can affect how people feel and can also have a considerable influence on their health & capacity to do work. This statement is completely true, and in this essay I will provide certain examples and points to support my view. For many years, phycologists have hypothesized that colour can have a direct effect on how people feel, so while decorating places such as hospitals and offices, a considerable amount of importance should be given to the colour schemes. These theories are being put to the test in modern days. For instance, a recent study conducted by an international team of physcologists showed how the work capacity along with the physical and mental health of a person changed when subjected to a wide spectrum of colours. They conducted their study on 1000 people having different work backgrounds and a wide range of physical an...
Nowadays it is trent to live a personal life without anyone. The main reason for that is they want to be independent because of that, one might face many problems. This has both positive as well as the negative impact on the community.
Nowadays, it becomes prevalent that young people leave rural homes to urban areas either for study or for work. However, the centralisation of development and economic activities is mostly responsible for shifting. Some believe that flow of this part of the population has a positive impact as labour cost may reduce. Whereas, others think negative effects lie in it as villages might not get a proper concentration in terms of economic development. Although both the advantages and disadvantages have strong points to argue with, in my point of view, the advantages of the
Working in a part-time job may be one of the most difficult conditions for high school students. These students are primarily responsible for their courses in the school. They have to study hard in order to pass their exams. So, it also takes a long time in their daily life. There are a few advantages and disadvantages of high school students having part-time jobs.
One of the ways to upgrade the lifestyle which is increasingly becoming common is through immigration to another land. Many developed countries have now relaxed their foreign policies to welcome people from all over the world. This essay discusses the various reasons which encourage people to leave their birth towns and the tremendous effects such potential movements can have.
It is irrefutable that metropolitan areas allow People's for better opportunities.youngsters in today's Era migrate to urban areas for education or jobs.although this trend has several drawbacks, I strongly believe that it is for beneficial for adults
These days the public has become very ambitious. If they see a good opportunity, they do try to grasp it without giving second thoughts. Moreover, today people move to metropolitan cities to study and work. Most famous and renowned companies are established in 1 tier cities. Education level has also increased. Better and fully equipped colleges are situated in bigger cities. Therefore, leaving and moving other cities, has become very common.
Nowadays, many people end up borrowing money from other people or even financial institutions because they are regularly buying extravagant purchases for exorbitant prices that they are not able to afford. There are a number of solutions to tackle this problem.
The public transportation system of the 20th century is more rigid and safe as compared to past decades and still many countries trying to improve this more. In this essay,we will discuss the various benefits of using public transport in our environments and how this will help us in reducing pollution.
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