IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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Today a lot of countries provide social welfare to people which can support the long period searching for a job. However, my firm conviction is that in return services providing by authorities, people should be involved in community work for the betterment of not only society but also to the country.
Most of the people end up having a lot of debt due to the things they buy which they can not afford. This is because they easily get influenced by social media and the solution for this can be the proper use of social media.
With the increasing importance of education and employment, there has been an increasing trend of youngsters opting for urban areas over the villages to pursue studies or for jobs. Many reasons could surface for the same. Though there might be some drawbacks, it is certain that the benefits overshadow the disadvantages.
Nowadays, many tasks are done by the latest technologies such as robots and artificial intelligence to increase the revenues of companies. Despite this, there is a drawback most people are unemployed due to the latest technology for this the government should take suitable actions. This essay will discuss both views in the forthcoming paragraphs.
In modern days, many studies showed that the number of obese individuals is increasing dramatically, which for sure leads to major health problems to those citizens. This essay will discuss some of the reasons for this problem, which is the popularity of fast food recently, and the lake of movement and doing sports. It will also tackle some solutions to help solve this issue.
It is often discussed whether it is better to share a room with someone, known or unknown, or not and enjoy the loneliness. The paragraphs below will outline both sides of this trend and then expose the author's opinion about it.
Undoubtedly, Foreign Tourism has a plethora of advantages to both travellers and host country while there are serious negative consequences of International Tourism which can be measured by taking some serious actions to Government and Local People, I would argue that these outweigh by the advantages.
Living in skyscrapers is the most encouraging standard for this contemporary generation. Tier-2 & 3 city crowd prefer to stay in high-rised buildings to enjoy its benefits. In this essay, I will discuss both merits and demerits and provide relevant examples to prove why benefits are more than drawbacks from my real life understandings.
Nowadays, an increasing number of animals are on the edge of extinction. The main reasons for this problem are overpopulation and also, deforestation. This issue can be solved when there will be a separated area for them as well as the government must have to take rehabilitation programme for those species.
There is no doubt that families play a vital role in a child's life and their progress. while several folks consider that external factors such as Television and friends have a tremendous impact on child development by developing certain skills. others opine that family member are more potential t influence child growth.
There is no denying that families play a vital role in a child's life and their growth. Although several folks consider that external factors such as Television and friends have a tremendous impact on child growth, I firmly believe that family still greatly influence their offspring.
Economic sustainability is the most demanding their views as follows. Firstly, the economic boom acts as a boon for those youngsters who are struggling for finding jobs, as we all know that this advancement needs manual task for its business growth.For example, last year , a mining project was set up in Uttar Pradesh and it generated thousands of work opportunities for people who did not have any small work for meeting both ends.Secondly, improvement in the economy leads to the advent of many useful alternatives of valuable products such as fossil fuels that are present in scarcity. To exemplify, due to leap and bound progress in technology, makes it possible to run modes of transportation on electricity and it is very helpful to conserve a huge amount of coal , petrol and diesel for the upcoming generations.Hence, it acts as a helping hand to reduce poverty.
The use of private vehicles has increased tremendously around the world resulting in increased congestion levels and air pollution. Serious steps are ought to be taken for encouraging people to use public transportation instead of private cars to improve air quality. People should be given incentives on using public transport, they should be offered subsidies on different routes around the city, public transport should be made more efficient than private vehicles and government should organize seminars as a joint effort in communities to encourage the use of public transport.
There is a thought that the traditions of a community should be followed by the young people. Although, others argue that youngsters should be allowed to act as an individual. Through this essay, both statements will be discussed.
In order to serve a greedy man's needs and owing to technological advancement, we have lost almost all natural resources. Freshwater tops the list as it is naturally not available in most parts of the world. There are numerous reasons resulting in the lack of freshwater. The below paragraphs will list down the causes and some practical ways to overcome them.
The traditions and cultures are disappeared in many countries because individuals were forgotten their traditions. Also, most of the schools' teachers and father are not told any past life stories or their experiences. Nowadays, the competition will be increased among the people days by day, such as educations, jobs, and wages. So, they do not think about their past decades.
Some people believe that it is beneficial when grandparents reside with their extended families and spend time with their children and grandchildren. However, others argue that a separate life is more positive for them. There are arguments on both sides of the very typical debate, which I will discuss now.
In contemporary world, people have different view about grandparent need to spend their time with their sons or daughters and grandchildren based on the traditional in many different countries . However the others believed that the senior people ought to stay in independence with themselves in modern life.
It is often practised in certain parts of the world that teenagers tend to decide to live separately with their colleague rather than guardians after studies. Considering the benefits such as being more authoritative and have up to date knowledge, I find this change to be a positive development.
Is it an indisputable fact that small stores have been constantly closing, as a result of people buying goods in malls or well-known companies. In this regard, this trend could negatively affect the economy of the country and also the rate of unemployment in several places.
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