IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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Appreciating a child with a gift is one important factor. A present like a camera, soccer or an animal can be a means of increasing adolescent's growth. This essay will analyse both views ,the reasons why I choose to gift a camera to a teen, with important instances which I believe it will elevate her process in life.
There is a growing trend whereby residents are researching the history of their homes. In my opinion, this is due to a natural curiosity and practical concerns and should be done through official channels.
History always holds enormous curiosity for people being keen to unveil its mystery in the present day. Most of them have no clue on where to embark. Rather than waiting for an apple to fall accidentally from the tree of inspiration, they found that some historical buildings may be an anchor for their exploration of mystery. The enthusiasm and interests in this pursuit are certainly not driven by satisfying our intrigue that discover tales or scandal anecdotes, but by some pragmatic reasons.
A trend has been observed in the contemporary era, related to the rise in the number of shopping malls in the urban areas to facilitate the buying experience of the citizens, ,however this has attributed to the closure of small shops in local areas. This essay believes that this growth is the increasing number of showrooms is a negative development as it promotes inflation and joblessness.
Most of individuals who go to jobs give least importance to their physical fitness either on office days or in their leisure time and this is resulting in a bunch of illnesses.The fundamental cause for this situation is that many working folks are unaware of a human body constitution and its toning importance.The principal solution is they should start it and then the results will definiety motivate them in continuing further.The reasons and the solutions will be more elaborated in the following paragraphs.
Technology has a huge impact on every individual in today's world. In ongoing time the public is more and more dependent on electronic media for accomplishing their day to day activities. For instance, folks are now easily able to do shopping from across the globe or communicate with people without in person contact. Nevertheless, there are some positives and negatives of this development and there are many causes attributed to this.
The development in science is the key point of any successful county. However, the vast majority of students do not select a science subject to study at university instead, they tend to choose more common subjects like business or Arts. The following paragraph will illustrate the causes behind selecting other options over a science major as well as its impact on the community.
Children of today are not competing with the child next door, but with the child of the global village;the world. In this contemporary era, parents want their child to excel in everything. Consequently , they end up pressurising their kids to win the rat race. Unfortunately ,this affect the development of young people in a negative trajectory. This essay intends to analyse the reasons behind it as well as its impact.
Health is an important aspect for any individual across the globe, which is very well proved in this recent pandemic. In spite of technological advancements taking place in the healthcare industry, the average standard of physical health is deteriorating in many of the developed countries. In this essay, I will list out 2 important reasons for these physical health issues and the possible solutions to handle them.
We live in an age when the percentage of the crime has been raised annually. Although, many people believe that there are a lot of causes that affect the number of crimes, it could be reduced and controlled by many ways. This essay will support this view and many reasons and some solutions will be explained in the following paragraphs.
We live in an age when the percentage of the crime has been raised annually. Although, many people believe that there are a lot of causes that affect the number of crimes, it could be reduced and controlled. This essay will tackle some possible reasons and some solutions will be explained in the following paragraphs.
School with a dormitory is a great option for some people and their children, nevertheless, the other half does not appreciate that much due to several reasons. We will consider both sides of the discussion in this essay. Primarily, those who never lived far from their parents surely miss them. That child might feel so left alone even though he or she has friends living with them. If we ask children who go to boarding school most of them will say that they missed their home. Also, all the things (such as the environment) that a child used to do have to change any time soon. Everything will be distinct fast. After living in a dormitory, students have less free time and more rules. Giving a child depression is possible in this situation. On the other hand, living in a dormitory makes a child develop on their own. It starts with making a decision. Back in the day, probably their parents helped them with their problems. Children cannot live with the family all the time so it ...
Real estate buyers are becoming more interested in past information of the building they are buying, which is a common trend around the world. It seems to me that there are two main reasons, including safety concern and psychological belief and several ways to investigate the history of a house.
Unemployed people in order to be thankful to the government payments ought to work voluntarily then, they might exchange their workforce to what they have received from the country. I believe this donation is useful to the community and they may show their gratitude to the state.
Earth is the home of millions of species. But one dominates. Us. Our inventions, activities, cleverness have impacted most parts of the planet and have kept the lives of all human beings in danger. In the near future, countries around the world will be facing many challenges including poor environmental conditions, overpopulation and illiteracy etc. This essay will discuss the possible threats to the countries around the world in the coming days and some of the solutions that could be followed to avoid the unpleasant situation.
Nowadays, maximum number of wild species are on the way of extinction.Similarly remaining are on the list of endangered animals.This essay will discuss deforeststation and porching are the key factors responsible for the extinction of species and also provide preventive measures can aid to support animals that are on the edge of extinction or in the book endangered.
Paraphrased statement: Some individuals believe that children should learn to self-growth and getting higher education from the boarding school system. Others are concerned about the negative impact of this system rather than day school. Thesis: In my opinion, parents would be better to consider all risks and let their children attend to a boarding school for career and personal growth. The outcome could have a positive lasting effects. Outline: In this following paragraph, this essay will discuss both views and explain why boarding school is necessary for youngsters. Main body 1: Primarily, it is a well-known impact, meaning that boarding school is not suitable for every student, due to such issues as pupils are affected by bad habits and influence of other students or become a victim of bullying. These might have both mentally and physically a long-term negative impact on the pupils. Secondly, tuition would be higher than other day schools, which is including all s...
Today a lot of countries provide social welfare to people which can support the long period searching for a job. However, my firm conviction is that in return services providing by authorities, people should be involved in community work for the betterment of not only society but also to the country.
Most of the people end up having a lot of debt due to the things they buy which they can not afford. This is because they easily get influenced by social media and the solution for this can be the proper use of social media.
With the increasing importance of education and employment, there has been an increasing trend of youngsters opting for urban areas over the villages to pursue studies or for jobs. Many reasons could surface for the same. Though there might be some drawbacks, it is certain that the benefits overshadow the disadvantages.
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