IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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Nowadays, This is becoming a trend to purchase luxurious things. However, People get to be in debt because of buying goods that they do not need and could not buy. There may be various reasons for this attitude like competition, social tradition, greed and marketing tactics are the influencing factors for such a trend and Some logical preventions can be taken to prevent it.
In this modern era, most people would like to go to visit in many places. A fair amount of people think that sightsheer do not get nothing when during their vocation time, while others believe that they are learned more. In the upcoming paragraphs, both sidees would be discussed in detail.
These days, we have been looking at those who are at severe health problems because of obesity.obesity causes mainly because of two reasons such as eating more junk food and sitting in the same place for several hours.which we can resolve by following a proper diet and regular exercise.
Marriage is the occasion which always provides happiness between two families. However, in recent days weddings are very costly in many nations in comparison to a few decades ago. There are numerous reasons behind this and it is the negative impact on our society. I will be elucidated in the forthcoming paragraphs with relevant illustrations.
The number of people adhering to healthy food and regular physical activities is rising. The main reasons for that are advances in science and awareness of people about the benefits of an active lifestyle. Among possible approaches aiming to make other people do the same is school programs telling about the importance of sport and good food.
In this contemporary era, work for a living has become mandatory for every individual. However maximum time of peoples’ life has been utilized working in the office or their respective job fields. Hence the industry satisfaction is incredibly important and crucial for all kind of workers and expecting the same for their own well being is absolutely realistic and necessary for the entire society. This essay will elaborate the same in the upcoming paragraphs.
The study of the human brain and behaviour is significantly increasing.Scientists have proven that different colour can affects a person mood,therefore we should choose our wall colour very carefully in the workplaces and in the health departments.
There is no doubt that these days as a result of occupied life currently, a lot of girls and boys consumed major of their times inside their houses and have minimal exploring to our planet. In this essay I am going to discuss the importance of exploring and learning from nature.
In the present time,individuals task very hard during their job time even without stretching their legs though numerous masses are getting both physical and mental obstacles through the working process.trader just concentrates on their job tasks rather than the health.This essay will discuss the logics and clarifications to tackle this dilemma.
Due to constructions of huge shopping malls people tend to shop from these centres instead of choosing tiny grocery stores and many small scale stores are badly affected owing to this trend. In my opinion this is a positive development progress. Initially, this essay will discuss more employment opportunities in these centres and then availability of international brands.
These days, there are not many students that want to study the major of science at university in many other countries. This essay will present the cause of this problem and how it will affect society.
Overweight is a disease that increases the amount of fat in the body. Nowadays, this kind of disease is more common in children. It is also known as obesity which causes several serious health-related issues to the body. Let us discuss both causes and effects related to overweight.
Exercise contributes to numerous health benefits, however, alot of individuals tend not to do physical activities on a regular basis. In this essay, I will discuss some of the causes why people do not participate in regular exercise and suggest some solutions how the problem can be addressed.
In the competitive era, people are engaged in graveyards shifts lead to ameliorated and exotic lifestyles, under which they lead to arduous extract for small business because in present days people prefer to go for shopping in enormous malls rather than small shops. According to my ,viewpoint it has a negative development and i will discuss it in the posterior paragraphs.
There are a lot of controversies surrounding the allocation of monthly stipends to the unemployed population of a country. People opine that those without work should receive some sort of benefits, however, it is opposed by some with the argument that it is completely wasteful. I concur with the latter that argues it is totally unnecessary and not needed
Recently, the unemployed in some countries are supplied with weekly amount of money from the government. Many people assume that is a good solution, while some people object to this action.In my perspective, I am in two mind about this activity due to some reasons. This essay will discuss both views of this issue.
Many people believe that currently younger population invest a large amount of money and time in following the latest fashion trends.
Education is crucial in our present society,there is a wide range of debate going on regarding the opinion should be taken from the learners and the other group of people opposing this idea.This essay will discuss the advantage and disadvantage of this topic.
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