IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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In today's world, less and less children like reading books for fun and prefer to spend free time in a different way. Firstly, this essay will discuss the possible reasons for this tendency and, secondly, it will analyse what can be made to change the situation.
In today's world, it can be clearly observed that more and more school graduates prefer other specializations to science subjects. Firstly, this essay will discuss the possible reasons for this tendency and, secondly, it will analyse its impact on the society.
In today's world, it can be clearly observed that more and more school graduates prefer other specializations to science subjects. Firstly, this essay will discuss possible reasons for this tendency and, secondly, it will analyse impact on the society.
Air pollution is a common debate for nowadays inhabitants of most of the metropolitan cities. In some cases this degrading air brings with it a healthy problem for the residents and the blame can be given to several causes. Even though there are some various probable solutions to lessen the impact of air pollution.
There is a saying, "the world is getting smaller", which portrays the rapid development of technology to travel and communicate between every corner of the globe. Nowadays, the transportation technology has allowed people to discover even the most remote areas of this planet. Some people may regard that as beneficial, while others see the negative aspects as well. This essay presents the advantages and drawbacks of this technology development.
These days, senior citizens are put in nursing homes rather than being looked over by family members. This essay will elaborate on, pros and cons of the trend and argue in favor of the former view.
Watching motion pictures is the most preferable past time activity chosen by the individuals, irrespective of their age. Among, the wide genre of cinema, the ratio is distributed between the likers of thought-provoking and the amusable movies. The understated paragraphs will delve into my inclination towards joyful films with logic , supported by some relevant examples.
The unlawful acts among the adoloscents are drastically increasing in the major cities in all over the world,even in developed countries.This essay will discuss the main causes behind the criminalism as well as discuss how can be prevent these evil behavoiur of youngsters
Nowadays youth from small cities and countryside are moving to the big cities. It is believed, that capitals are more suitable for working and studying there. From my point of view, this tendency has more disadvantages than advantages. I guess, there are two main reasons for it.
In most of the private companies, people have a mentality of working for long hours or in some cases they will stay in office for a longer time just for show off purpose. According to me , this situation has more cons than pros. I will throw more light on this perspective below.
Young people have a lot of kinds of stress, and one of the biggest might be the pressure from their parents. In the following essay, I will discuss that the parents cannot stop making pressure on their children because of love, and this is a negative phenomenon.
Since most adults dedicate a significant amount of time at their workplace, job satisfaction is crucially important to the happiness of an individual. I believe that salaries, working environment and career enhancement opportunity are the key determinants to job satisfaction. However, with different occupations, expectations may still vary, and I think that satisfaction with jobs remains a distant dream for the majority of employees.
Nowadays, some people choose to go shopping and do business online, which has led to less face-to-face communication in their life. Some have taken this trend as an unfavourable development, while others disagree. This essay will explore both its positive and negative effects.
There is no denying the fact that the use of a pen or pencil has reduced in this contemporary era. The major reason for this occurrence is the invention of computers. In my opinion, this is certainly a positive development because it makes wiring convenient for everyone.
Nowadays a lot of people prefer to wear more suitable clothes, for example jeans and t-shirts, rather than their national clothing. Society argues, whether it has more pros or, in contrast, more cons. From my point of view, it is a positive development. It can be proved by the comfort level of western clothes.
These days, the development of technology made it possible to do many things easier, and one is shopping. However, of course shopping online has some advantages, the disadvantages will outweigh the advantages. The following essay will discuss the disadvantages of shopping online is more than the advantages.
Nowadays, due to the hectic schedule at the workplace people don't get time to do enough exercise or in some ,cases people don't do the workout. As a result, they suffer from different health issues. The question is why do working professional don't get proper exercise. This essay will discuss my viewpoints about what are the reasons for the aforementioned statement and how we can get over this problem with a few examples.
Nowadays people prefer to shop in large shopping centres or modern retailers in malls as opposed to the old days where they used to buy groceries and other things from local shops in their neighbourhood or other nearby areas. In my opinion, I firmly voice that this is a negative development owing to the fact that many small shops might suffer huge loss or even worse they might have to close their businesses permanently.
The internet is an important part of life in modern times. It has changed our lives in many ways and made it easier to do many things. In my opinion, I agree with this. I will first look at some ideas why and then some benefits.
Generally speaking, natural water is being depleted in an unprecedented rate at the moment due to being used excessively by humans. While some consider that water belongs to the public so they can use it unlimited, other insist that it is necessary for government to implement a restrict control over fresh water utilization as it is a finite resource. In my opinion, I maintain that we should use water cautiously otherwise we will suffer from the shortage in the future.
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