The table above informs the data regarding Australia and Malaysia's general population in 1980 and 2002. It shows that the population from both countries increased in the span of two decades, with slightly higher rate in
This line graph shows a variation of a number of the museum visitor, including Louvre, Vatican, Shenzen, and London Science Museum from 1980 up to 2015.
The table illustrates the percentage of households with consumer durables :( central heating, Television, Video, Vacuum cleaner,Refrigerator,Washing machine, Dishwasher, and Telephone), which were owned by British people
The line chart provides information on the number of overseas visitors, visiting three different areas in a European country. These areas including, coast, lakes, and mountins. Throughout the period 1987 to 2007.
The charts provide data about the amount of participation in education and science in developing and developed nations and the amount of money spent on research and development in 1980 and 1990.
The given graph illustrates the population of three turtle species in India between 1980 to 2012. Obviously, the significant rise Olive Ridely Turtles is seen for an almost three decades.
The table describes the proportion of children born to women between the ages of 40 and 44, in Australia. The survey was done four times, from the year 1981 to 2006.
The pie and bar charts illustrate information about juveniles' tendency towards learning musical instruments and the favourite unstruments for learning in the UK in 1996 and 2016.
The chart clearly demonstrates the changes fix distinct countries faced in house prices from 1990 to 2002, according to the average prices in 1989. Overall, it is evident that while prices were mostly lowered in the firs
The bar chart illustrates the proportion of women and men who work on housework on part-time and full-time in the United Kingdom between 1985 and 2005.