The proffered line chart provides information about the rates of birth and death changes in New Zealand between 1901 and 2101. Broadly, it is readily noticeable that the number of death experienced a significance growth
The linegraph demonstrates a statistic about the birth and death rates in dynamic throughout a period from 1901 and 2101 in New Zealand. It is evident from the data that both the birth and death rates grew, moreover, the
The line graph illustrates the difference in numbers in terms of birth and death in Newzland within a two hundred-year period from 1901 to 2101. Overall the number of births is estimated to fluctuate throughout the given
The provided chart illustrates the changes in birth and dying records in New Zealand over a 20-year period as a whole. Birth and death figures on the vertical axis are plotted against years. It is evident from the line g
The given line chart provides the alteration of birth and death numbers in New Zealand from 1901 to 2101. Overall, it is noticeable that the birth rates tend to fluctuate yet it is predicted to fall in the future. While,
The line chart detailed above delineates the transformation of birth and loss of life rates in New Zealand from 1901 to 2101. Overall, it is readily apparent that the size of birth dominated a large proportion in the 2
The given line graph illustrates the statistical information, regarding to birth and death rates in New Zealand from 1901 to 2101. The units are measured in thousands.
The graph shows the evolution of the birth and the death rate in New Zealand in the period between two centuries, from 1901 to 2101, and in general we see that the birth curve has an irregular behaviour, instead the oth
The line graph shows the number of life circle over a hunderd years by death and birth. A glance at the lines reveals that the number of birth and death rate will changed after 2041 and the birth rates draw a unstable li
The given line graph provides information about the rates of natality and mortality in New Zealand from 1901 and also gives prediction till the year 2101.