The chart and table compare the salaries when started and three years later indicated in pounds and average working hours per week of various professions such as Police, Nurse, Firefighther, and Underground driver, in th
The bar charts illustrate the percentage of employment who aged 60 to 64 in 1970 and 2000. They represented four categories of country: Australia, Japan, the United States and Beigium. Also, the charts shows pecentage of
According to the data, it can be demonstrated in two different charts. So, to begin with, the first diagram, there are two categories of students with a range of ages starting from 26 till 49 years old, who prefer to rec
The provided chart gives information about the number of levels air pollution among four countries in 2012. Namely China, America, Japan and Australia.
The given chart illustrates data about the types of profession in the United Kingdom includes their salary. Meanwhile, the tables provides the average working on hours for each profession in a one week.
The given bar chart illustrates the levels of air pollutant that happened in four nations among 2012. Air pollution level is devided by three reasons which are electricty geneation, transport, and industry. In general, i
The bar chart delineates the average amount of contamination released into the air in four countries namely China, America, Japan and Australia in 2012
The bar chart below indicates the average of air pollution produced by Industry, Electricity generation and transportation in 2012 in China, America, Japan and Australia. Measurements are by PPM.
The chart shows information about the pollution levels in the air caused by electricity generation, transport, and industry in four countries, namely China, America, Japan, and Australia, in 2012. Overall, industries are
The given bar graph illustrates information about four jobs and their salaries in the UK, whereas the table presents data on the weekly working hours for each occupation.
The bar graph illustrates information about the level of air pollution in four different countries across three sectors in 2012. Overall, it is clear from the graph that China ranked first in all three factors, while the
The bar graph illustrates information regarding the degree of polluted air of 4 different country depicted in 3 sectors in 2012. Overall, it is evident from the graph that China ranked first in all 3 factors, while Ameri
The bar charts given illustrate the proportion of occupation based on gender with range of age from 60 to 64 in Australia, Japan, the USA and Belgium between 1970 and 2000. Overall, the percentage of man declines signifi
The line graph illustrates data about how individuals migrated from underdeveloping to developing places for a 25-year time period in three different geographical locations. Overall, all three countries increased, althou