IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the present ambience, private academic institutions have a chance to get the support financially by the government or not and it's acceptable from the public point of view. From my perspective this statement is stron
A segment of people contend that non-public learning institutions should offered government aid. Conversely, other segment believe that corporate schools have enough funds to support themselves. My perspective inclines w
Authorities have many fundamental responsibilities, and one of them is to provide standard education. Whether or not the authority should sponsor some amount to private schools is becoming an increasingly controversial
Nowadays, the education sector facing about sceptism between private school and public school. It is happended for some reasons. For example that puppils in the private schoold pay more funds due to the goverment does no
Nowadays, school is a place where students learn and get a secure job as a teacher or principal. It is a vital point to support schools with government funding if they do not have a certain budget to provide such kind of
It is general acceptance that education is crucial for human beings. Provide quality education, Schools play a more important role in facilitating a suitable environment for children. This includes private schools whic
Nowadays, children play a vital role any any nation development therefore parents need to give more freedom as compare to past. I ponder that, it is affirmative development and I my justification will come in further par
Dose authorities have to giving money to privet schools? I believe that is not make sense because thes kinds of schools have money's resource, I will show in his essay some of reasons that govements don't have t
I think this university is one of the oldest and most favourable in the UK therefore the level of the education system is also very different from other universities. The course of BA (Hons) Business Management not only
In this day and age, education has become a necessary part of one's life and for that one has to pay fees for it private institutes charge a hefty amount of money for the education which everyone cannot afford and in my
Education plays an important and significant role in the development of any country. Government, private sectors, and NGOs all contribute to providing a high standard of schooling to the masses. However, it is largely ar
It is often argued that the government should allocate larger sums of funds for the education budget and provide monetary support for public schools. Moreover, in my ,opinion private schools do not require assistance fr
Many people believe that private schooling institutions should be allocated some of the national government budgets for their development. In my opinion, they should not be funded by public money as they are already high
The number of private schools increased rapidly in the last few years. They are preferable to everyone as they focus on the quality of education by teaching both hard and soft skills. But, private schools are much more e
The education system has two options to offer if somebody wants to attend to school. The first of them is a private school and the other is a public one, which is usually more common choice for most of the people. In sec
Education is the backbone of every nation. Private schools are doing most of the heavy lifting. Although I believe that schooling should be free. But government funding will be an excellent method to raise the standard o
Education is fundamental to development and growth. Nowadays, it is argued whether funds for development and other facilities should be provided to Private Schools or not. I will be presenting my views in favour that Fun
Many educational institutes are seeking the grant from the regime. However, In my opinion, government should use this money for the development of public schools as private organisations are mostly well funded.
The government funding is necessary for schools to provide an education with a reasonable fees. However, this funds should only be availabke to the government schools and not to the private one as the private school's fe
Nowadays, the educational quality is improving and children gain a lot of knowledge in their childhood. Should public schools give the administration’s support? In this essay, I will explain the reason and solve this pro
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