IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Schools are an essential component for the all-around development of children; however, is it necessary for the government to invest in private schools. Even though governmental institutes need a decent amount of money t
Unlike a public school, a private one operates on its own and is free of any external control. However,it is believed by some that these sort of schools should be provided with financial assistance by the government. I
Of late, private institutes should receive government funding to continue their services in a significant part of the world. A sea change has been witnessed in private schools having high demand due to this fees was aris
The growth of private schools is increased rapidly for the last few years as education is being considered as a business than a service. Hundreds of Private institutes were started and if the government is responsible fo
Education nowadays has become so expensive that both the students and to a certain extent, private academy, are clamouring for more funding. While it is a fact that private department claim to be suffering from a lack o
Everyone has equal rights to receive government funding. However, it is argued that whether the government should finance private schools or not. In my opinion, it is not the government responsibilities to support priva
Many individuals prefer to drive to work or school rather than walking, cycling or using public transport. This essay discusses why this situation brings more benefits than drawbacks.
Nowadays, private schools are more preferred by everyone as these schools focus on the quality of education by providing both educational and behavioural skills. These are the primary needs for the children to become a s
I am writing this letter to get information for an extended warranty for my new AO Smith water heater model number ELJV 70 litres.
With the increase in the tuition fees of private schools, the majority of the parents are forced to send their children to public school. In my opinion, I believe government schools must be preferred for government assi
In most countries,there are two types of educational establishments that are available to people. The first one is private schooling which charges a hefty price and has better facilities while the second one is the publi
Improving educational systems and institutions is one major responsibility of the government, which helps children to improve their knowledge in an efficient manner. However, in my opinion, funding public schools better,
In recent years, an upsurging debate has arisen, whether the private schools should be supported by government funding. To me, the government should provide most of its funding to the public schools rather than to the
Every country will be developed  when there will be no illiteracy. The private schools are well established in all developed countries. These schools are providing the best education system than the public schools. Some
Education is the backbone of any country, and in most countries, It is the private school system which is doing the heavy lifting. Although, I am of a belief that schooling should be free, thus funding public schools sho
Education is the backbone of any country, and in most countries, It is the private educational system which is doing the heavy lifting. Although, I am of a belief that education should be free, thus funding public school
The number of private schools is increasing in the last few years because the education quality and the parents trust more in private than in publics one. In some countries people believe that private schools should rece
Education is a essential part in one's life. supporting self-owned schools with government funds will be of great advantage to the people of the country. By aiding private schools with government funds will not only giv
It is often believed by a few sections of society that the government should support private schools in improving their standard by giving them funds. Although, this might be a prevalent conviction by some people, my per
How much funds should be allocated to the private schools, or, whether they should be funded at all, has been debated for long. There are many who believe that the private schools are only profit-making institutions, and
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