IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Presently, a sizable group believes that the world environment has been strictly polluted by cheap aircraft flights, therefore, the authorities should assign more significant taxes for air transportation. In this essay,
It is true that inexpensive passenger flights have resulted in more airport expansion, noise, and air pollution. In my opinion, it would be wrong for the government to implement taxes more aggressively in order to decrea
With the rapid growth of technology, the world has come a long way . Travelling to other countries is no more dream for people because of low-cost flights . It can be seen that people nowadays saved their money to sp
In this contemporary era, it is true that air traffic is increasing day by day. there are countless reasons for this evil. however, some people believe that the the government should imply high amount of tax from the cit
Undoubtedly it is true fact that infection is increasing day by day . breath service is highly leading to more noise corruption and whiff construction . One aspect of this growth is low-
In this present world travelling is save the time and more convenient that the past because of development of aircraft. Incresing the number of air traffic can make noise and pollution. But I totally disagree with increa
Over recent years there has been an enormous increase in air traffic around the world,due to cheap tickets which have resulted in air pollution, construction of airports and increased noise levels. Some people believe
Air traffic is a novel problem of the twentieth century that has been resulted in the air and noise pollution. Nowadays there is a great concern over this phenomenon and it is argued that the cheap tickets are the main r
Back in time, when industrialization first started, the major issue faced was transportation, overtime not only industries but also the general public encountered issues such as ship as transportation took a long time an
In this cut-throat competitive business world, air travel plays a significant role in public transportation and goods import and export. Owing to the decrease in air tickets, the number of flights is increasing rapidly w
Air traffic is organized movement of aircrafts to fly from one place to another. Every mode of transportation plays part in damaging the environment. Aviation is one of them. I strongly agree that that higher authorities
Some people are convinced that due to air contamination, noise pollution and airport construction which are in results of a raise in cheap-travel flights, the governments should appoint a higher excise on flights in orde
Worldwide air travelling is continuously rising for business, as well as for pleasure and to fulfil this requirement, countries are building more airports. Many people have a view that, behind soaring air travel cheap fl
Over the recent years, travelling by aeroplane has dramatically increased thereby, posing more threat to the environment. This happened in response to low costs on aeroplane tickets and reduced travel time. Although some
Over the recent years, people are travelling more frequently by flights due to a drop in ticket prices, which caused raised in air pollution and noise levels. Some believe that, if government start imposing a high traffi
Nowadays, it is a controversial argument among people that travelling more frequently by aeroplane is causing air pollution, an increase of noise level and aircraft infrastructure. Some believe that authorities should le
Over the last few decades, the aviation industry has progressed by leaps and bounds. Due to advancement in aviation technology, the rise in low-cost passenger flights has increased a lot. Some people argue that governme
In the past few years, people are travelling regularly from one place to another. Frequently, using aeroplanes leads to pollution and noise. The cause of inclining air traffic is cheap air tickets. Some individuals opin
In this modern world, travelling to a new destination has become a new trend. Also, there has been an increased business activity around the globe which leads to more air travel. Although, some people think that due to m
Nowadays there is an ever-growing popularity in low-cost flight, which has led to an increase air traffic and consequently more noise, pollution and airport constuction. This essay completely agrees that governments shou
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